56話 永遠論に囚われたバカ梵天

第5部 さまざまな「悪」ブッダをめぐる人々
第2章 邪見の神々
56話 永遠論に囚われたバカ梵天
『いらっしゃい、あなたさま! よく来られました、あなたさま! ここへ前にあなたさまが来られてから、久しぶりでございます。まさしく、これ(梵天界)は、永遠です。永久です。不変です。完全です。滅してしまうものではありません。なぜなら、ここでは、生まれず、老いず、滅せず、生まれかわりません。そして、これを超える、これに勝る出離はありません』
『ああ! バカ梵天は無明にあえいで苦労している。永遠ではないものを永遠といい、永久ではないものを永久といい、不変ではないものを不変といい、滅してしまうものを滅してしまうものではない、という。そして、梵天界では、生まれ、老い、滅し、生まれかわるものは誰もいない、という。たとえ生まれ、老い、滅し、生まれかわるものがあるにもかかわらず、なのだ。一方、梵天界を超える出離の階梯があるのに、梵天界に勝る出離はない、というのだ』
『比丘よ! かれを責めてはなりません。なぜなら、この梵天は、大梵天(マハー ブラフマー)で、征服者、無類の者、すべて見渡す者、全能者、創造者、支配者、存在するもの・存在するであろうものの父、だからです。
バカは没したとき、広果天(ヴェーハッパラ)に生まれかわった。それは第四禅定へ到達したことと見合っており、五百大劫(マハー カッパ)の寿命がある。そこで寿命いっぱい生存して没し、次の下位の天界の遍浄光天(スバキンハ)に生まれかわった。それは第三禅定へ到達したことと見合っている。そして、六十四大劫(マハー カッパ)の間、生存して没し、次の下位の天界で、第二禅定へ到達したことと見合っている発光天(アーバッサラ)に生まれかわった。そこで八大劫(マハー カッパ)の寿命いっぱい生存して没し、第一禅定へ到達したことと見合っている大梵天(マハー ブラフマー)に生まれかわった。そこでは一不可算の永劫(阿僧祇劫(アサンケイヤ カッパ))しか寿命がない。これは広果天(ヴェーハッパラ)に比べれば極めて短い寿命だが、人間にとってはたいへん長い時間である。
(訳注:劫はパーリ語kappa(カッパ)を音写した漢字。古代インドの時間の最長単位。大劫(マハー カッパ)は四阿僧祇劫(アサンケイヤ カッパ)で、宇宙の生成、存続、破壊、空無の四劫からなり、一大劫(マハー カッパ)ごとに無限にくりかえす。阿僧祇(アサンケイヤ)とはパーリ語の動詞saṅkhāyati(サンカーヤティ)の未来受動分詞saṅkheyya(サンケイヤ)に否定の接頭辞a(ア)をつけたものの音写で、数えるべきではない、数えられない、という意味)
このようにバカ梵天は、さまざまな梵天界で長い時間、生存した。大梵天(マハー ブラフマー)で生存した初期には、バカ梵天は、過去世の輪廻の生存と、冥想の禅定で生じた具体的な到達のありさまを、努力すれば思い出せた。ところが、そこであまりにも長い間生存していて、それを忘れ、永遠論という邪見(常見)をもつようになったのである』」
「さて、梵天よ、ありのまま如実に洞察する智慧で、わたしは無常(anicca(アニッチャ))・苦(dukkha(ドゥッカ))・無我(anatta(アナッタ))の性質の地界を知っている。そして、わたしは、その性質から到達しがたい涅槃界(Nibbāna(ニッバーナ) Dhātu(ダートゥ))を知っている。そして、わたしは、渇愛、慢心、邪見のある地界に執着しない。わたしは、我(atta(アッタ))の中にある何ものか、そして他の界にある何ものか、に執着しない。わたしは、我(atta(アッタ))からの何ものか、そして他の界に出現する何ものか、に執着しない。わたしは、『わたしであること』(存在)、『わたしのもの』(所有)、『わたしそのもの』(魂・実体)、に執着しない。そして、梵天よ、ありのまま如実に洞察する智慧で、水界を・・・(同様にくりかえす・以下同じ)、火界を・・・、風界を・・・、生けるものを・・・、神々を・・・、生けるものの主(造物主(パジャーパティ))を・・・、梵天を・・・、発光梵天(アーバッサラ ブラフマー)を・・・、遍浄光梵天(スバキンハ ブラフマー)を・・・、広果梵天(ヴェーハッパラ ブラフマー)を・・・、阿毘浮梵天(アビブー ブラフマー)を・・・、ありのまま如実に知る智慧で洞察し、わたしは三界(欲界、色界、無色界)に属して無常・苦・無我の性質をもつすべての個体(sakkāya(サッカーヤ) sabba(サッバ))を知っている。そして、わたしは、その性質からすべての個体が到達しがたい涅槃界を知っている。そして、わたしは、渇愛、慢心、邪見のあるすべての個体に執着しない。わたしは、我の中にある何ものか、そして他の界にある何ものか、に執着しない。わたしは、我からの何ものか、そして他の界に出現する何ものか、に執着しない。わたしは、『わたしであること』、『わたしのもの』、『わたしそのもの』に執着しない。そしてこのことから、梵天よ、涅槃についての明智は、そなたと同じではないのは、まったく明らかである。わたしは、はるかに多く知っていて、少ないということはないのだ」
「梵天よ、この涅槃界とは、すべての因縁によるものごとを超えており、出世間の智慧でしか認識できず、肉眼では見えず、生滅の性質を完全に欠いており、他のあらゆるものごと(ダンマ)より、はるかに光り輝いているのだ。涅槃界(Nibbāna(ニッバーナ) Dhātu(ダートゥ))は、地界によってはその性質から到達できず、水界・・・(同様にくりかえす・以下同じ)、火界・・・、風界・・・、生けるもの・・・、神々・・・、生けるものの主(造物主(パジャーパティ))・・・、梵天・・・、発光梵天(アーバッサラ ブラフマー)・・・、遍浄光梵天(スバキンハ ブラフマー)・・・、広果梵天(ヴェーハッパラ ブラフマー)・・・、阿毘浮梵天(アビブー ブラフマー)・・・、の個体の性質(sakkāya(サッカーヤ) dhamma(ダンマ))によって、すべてが到達できないのだ」
『まさしく、あなたさま、すばらしい! まさしく、ふしぎです! われらは、王座を放棄され、出家された釈迦族の王子であったゴータマ比丘のような、このように偉大な神通力と威力をもっているほかの行者や聖者を見たことがありません。あなたさまは、世俗の生活の楽しみの中で生き、感覚の喜びの中でもがき、輪廻転生を渇望する同時代の人びとの中で、ゴータマ比丘は存在の根源を取りのぞくことができるのです』」
三十一世界 神々の寿命
非想非非想処地 八万四千大劫
無所有処地 六万大劫
識無辺処地 四万大劫
空無辺処地 二万大劫
無劣天 一万六千大劫
善見天 八千大劫
善現天 四千大劫
無熱天 二千大劫
不捨天 一千大劫
無想有情天・広果天 五百大劫
遍浄光天・無量浄光天・少浄光天 六十四大劫~十六大劫
発光天・無量光天・少光天 八大劫~二大劫
大梵天・梵輔天・梵衆天 一阿僧祇劫~三分の一阿僧祇劫
他化自在天 九十二億一千六百万年
無変化天 二十三億四百万年
兜率天 五億七千六百万年
夜摩天 一億四千四百万年
三十三天 三千六百万年
四天王天 九百万年
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
Episode 56 Brahmā BAKA, THE ETERNALIST
At one time, when the Blessed One was staying in Sāvatthi at the Jetavana Monastery, He called the bhikkhus and related a discourse termed “On the invitation of a brahmā” (Brahmanimantanika Sutta).
“Bhikkhus, on one occasion when I was sitting at the foot of a royal sāla tree in the Subhaga Forest near the town of Ukkaṭṭhā, I became aware that in Brahmā Baka’s mind there arose the pernicious view of eternalism (sassata diṭṭhi). Then, I instantly appeared in that world just as a strong man stretches his bent arm or bends his stretched arm. When Brahmā Baka saw Me coming, he welcomed Me, saying: ‘Come,
good sir! Welcome, good sir! It is after a long time, good sir, since You visited here. Good sir, indeed, this (brahmā world) is permanent, everlasting, eternal, absolute and not subject to passing away, for here one is not born, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, is not reborn. And beyond this world, there is no further
“Bhikkhus, when Brahmā Baka spoke thus, I said: “Alas! Brahmā Baka is
labouring under a delusion. He says of what is impermanent as permanent, what is not everlasting as everlasting, what is not eternal as eternal, what is not absolute as absolute and what is subject to passing away as not subject to passing away. And, he says that in the brahmā world there is no one who is born, who ages, who dies, who
falls away and who reappears, even though there are those who are born, who age, who die, who fall away and who reappear. While there are states of deliverance beyond it, he says that beyond that world there is no further deliverance.”
“Then Māra, the Evil One, possessed a young brahmā retinue and told Me: ‘Bhikkhu! Do not disbelieve him, for this brahmā is the Great Brahmā (Mahā Brahmā), the Transcendent, the Unsurpassed One, the All-Seeing, the Almighty, the Creator, the Lord, the Father of those that are and those that will be. Before Your time, bhikkhu, in the world there were bhikkhus and brahmins who condemned and loathed the earth element, …the water element, …the fire element, …the air element, …beings, …devas, …Pajāpati, …who condemned and loathed the brahmā; on the dissolution of their bodies, when their breath was cut off, they became established in a lower state of existence. And again, before your time, bhikkhu, there were bhikkhus and brahmins in the world who admired and cherished all these; and on the dissolution of their bodies, when their breath was cut off, they became established in a higher divine state of existence. Therefore, bhikkhu, I tell You this: Be sure, good sir, to do only as what the brahmā says; never overstep the brahmā’s words, for if You go against his words, bhikkhu, You will be like a man who drives away glory with a stick when it
comes upon him, or like a man who loses his hold of the earth with his hands and feet as he slips into a deep abyss. Therefore, good sir, be sure to do only as what the brahmā says and never overstep the brahmā’s words. Do You not see the assembly of high divinities seated here, bhikkhu?’”
“Thus, Māra tried to bait Me by referring to the assembly of the brahmā retinue as witness. When this was said, I told Māra, the Evil One: ‘I know you, Evil One; do not fancy ‘He does not know me.’ You are Māra, the Evil One. And the brahmā and the divine assembly with all its members have all fallen into your hands and are under your sway. You, Evil One, may fancy ‘This bhikkhu also may fall into my hands and may come under my sway.’ In fact, neither do I fall into your hands nor do I come under your sway.’”
“Bhikkhus, after I have thus said to Māra, Brahmā Baka said to Me:
‘Good sir, I say of what is permanent as permanent, of what is everlasting as everlasting, of what is eternal as eternal, of what is absolute as absolute, of what is not subject to passing away as not subject to passing away. I say of what is not born, does not age, does not die, does not fall away and does not reappear as that which is not born, does not age, does not die, does not fall away and does not reappear. And I say that there is no further deliverance beyond this world because there is no deliverance beyond it.’”
“Before Your time, bhikkhu, there were bhikkhus and brahmins in this world whose asceticism lasted as long as Your whole life. They knew that there was deliverance beyond when there was deliverance beyond;
and that there was no deliverance beyond when there was no deliverance beyond. Therefore, bhikkhu, I tell You that beyond this state You will find no deliverance. And in trying to do so, You will only reap weariness and disappointment. If You believe in earth, …in water, …in fire, …in air, …in beings, …in devas, …in Pajāpati, …If You believe in the brahmā, then You will live near me, within my province, and You
will be my subordinate.”
“I know that too, brahmā. But, I also know your reach and your sway thus: Brahmā Baka is of such great power, of such might, of such great fame and retinue. I know the extent of your reach and sway:
As far as the orbit of the moon and sun
Shining and lighting up the four directions
Over a thousand times as wide a world
Your power can exert its influence.
Therein, you know the high and low
As well as those governed by lust and free from lust
In this and the remaining universes
The origin and destination of living beings.”
“Thus far, brahmā, I do know the extent of your reach and sway. Therefore, Brahmā Baka, I do know very well that you are of such great power, of such might, of such great fame and retinue only to this extent.”
“Yet, brahmā, there are three other realms of brahmā gods which you neither know nor see, but which I know and see. Brahmā, there is another realm called the Streaming Radiance (Ābhassara), whence on passing away you reappeared here. But because of the long dwelling here, your memory of it has lapsed; therefore you neither know nor see it, but I know and see it. Brahmā, on this account you are not equal to Me in transcendental knowledge. It is not less that I know, but far more. And likewise with the other higher realms of the Refulgent Glory Realm (Subhakiṇha) and the Great Fruit Realm (Vehapphala), which I know and see, but which you neither know nor see. And from this, brahmā, it is quite clear that in the matter of transcendental knowledge I am not your equal. I know far more, not less.”
“Many aeons ago, when this world was devoid of a Buddha, Baka was born in the realm of human beings as a son of a good family. In the course of time, he came to know the ills of sense pleasures; he knew that household life could not give real happiness. Being disgusted thus, he decided: ‘I will put an end to birth, aging, sickness and death.’ Then, he went forth from home and became an ascetic. He built
a small hut on the bank of the Gaṅgā River, enjoying the peace of holy life. There, he earnestly practised the kasiṇa meditation and attained meditation absorptions (jhānas) and developed various psychic powers. Accordingly, he spent his life enjoying the bliss of jhānas.”
“When he passed away, he was reborn in the realm of Vehapphala Brahmā, which corresponds to the attainment of the fourth stage of jhāna and had a life span of five hundred great aeons (mahā kappa). Having lived the full life span there, he passed away and was reborn in the next lower realm of Subhakiṇha Brahmā, which corresponds to the attainment of the third stage of jhāna. And after living for
sixty-four mahā kappas in that brahmā realm, he passed away and was reborn in the next lower realm of Ābhassara Brahmā of the second jhāna. Having existed there for the full life span of eight mahā kappas, he was reborn in this first jhāna realm as a Mahā Brahmā, having a life span of only one incalculable aeon (asaṅkhyeyya kappa).
This is such a short life span compared to that in the Vehapphala Brahmā realm, but a very long time in terms of human years.”
“Thus, Brahmā Baka had lived in the various realms of brahmā gods for a very long time. In the earlier part of his life as a Mahā Brahmā, Brahmā Baka could recollect his former rounds of existence and the specific attainments of meditative absorptions giving rise to them. But after he had been there too long, he forgot those things and came to hold the wrong view of eternalism. And now in this existence, he
taught his retinues (brahmapārisajja), who were under his divine jurisdiction, about eternalism.”
“When the Blessed One spoke thus, Brahmā Baka thought: ‘This bhikkhu Gotama knows the life span and the worlds of my previous rounds of existence, and He also knows the attainment of meditation practices I had achieved before. Now, suppose I ask Him the meritorious deeds I had performed in my past rounds of existence.”
In response to his question, the Blessed One related to him about his past meritorious deeds:
“At one time, there was a caravan of five hundred carts carrying merchandise. When they crossed the desert by night, the bullocks that were harnessed at the leading cart lost their way, so did the other following carts. However, this was known to the merchants only at dawn. Soon, their fire wood, water and other provisions ran out. Thinking ‘we are now to lose our lives’, the exhausted merchants unyoked their bullocks from the carts, tied them to the wheels and laid down in the shade of the rear part of the carts.”
“In that existence, Baka was an ascetic who had accomplished the fourth jhāna stage together with various psychic powers. Then in the early morning, after arising from the bliss of meditation absorption, the ascetic Baka went out of his leaf hut. He saw a great flood overwhelming the Gaṅgā River as though a huge green stone was rolling down. A thought then arose in him: ‘Are there in this world any beings that are wearied for lack of such sweet water, whose lives are threatened by lack of water in this moment?’ Then, he saw the caravans of those merchants suffering in the sandy desert. Out of compassion, he resolved through his psychic powers: ‘May a great volume of water from the Gaṅgā River flow towards them.’”
“Instantly, a great volume of water flowed into the desert. Hearing the sound of gushing water, the people got up and were overjoyed. They drank the cool water and bathed to their satisfaction; they filled their storage vessels and also let the bullocks drink the water. Having regained their strength, they continued their journey safely.”
“Thus, brahmā, in one of your past lives you had used your psychic powers for the welfare of many people, to save the life of the merchants and the cattle in the caravans from being tortured by the sun in the desert. This is one of your good deeds that I recollect, as a man waking up might recollect his vivid dreams.”
“At a later time, the ascetic was staying in a leaf hut on the bank of the Gaṅgā River and lived there depending upon a village nearby the forest for alms-food. One day, a band of robbers attacked the village. They cruelly robbed all the properties of the villagers—gold, silver, cattle and other precious things. They then tied up all the residents. They would not hesitate to beat the villagers by sticks, to kick them
or to hurt them by swords. The outcries of the innocent villagers and the animals created loud noises.”
“Hearing the noises, the ascetic became aware that some danger had befallen the villagers. He immediately created a large army of four divisions with he himself as the leader, confronting the robbers. As soon as the hostile robbers saw the great army, they discarded all their looted properties and fled. Then, the ascetic released the villagers and returned the properties to their respective owners. The villagers were overjoyed. The ascetic, with a sense of great satisfaction, returned to his hut in the forest.”
“Thus, brahmā, on another occasion in your past life you had saved the villagers from being robbed by a band of robbers by creating a great army of four divisions. This is one of your moralities practised in the past which I recollect by My power of remembering former lives.”
“Again, at a later time when the ascetic was sitting in his hut, he noticed that there was a wedding ceremony between a family living in the upper reaches of the Gaṅgā River and a family living in the lower reaches. They had maintained a cordial relationship over generations. They joined their boats as a foundation for a large platform of bamboos and logs which carried many kinds of food, drink, flowers,
etc. On the boats, which floated slowly by the currents of the Gaṅgā River, many people were busy enjoying themselves with the feast, singing and dancing.”
“When the merriment was going on, a certain nāga king, who was the ruler and resident of the Gaṅgā River, saw the people and became angry, thinking: ‘These people are enjoying pleasure without considering that their merry-making could annoy me, the nāga king of the Gaṅgā River. Now, I shall make them float into the ocean.’ Flying into a rage, he assumed himself as an enormous fierce nāga and split
the water into two streams between which he emerged all of a sudden. He raised his huge hood and made a horrible hissing sound. He threatened the people as though he were to bite them and put them to death. The cheerful wedding ceremony turned into a tumult; the people on the boats were in a great panic and cried loudly.”
“The ascetic, who was sitting in his hut, suddenly heard their outcry and thought: ‘Just a moment ago, these people were very happy, dancing and singing, but now they are crying loudly as though their lives were threatened. What is the matter?’ From outside of his hut, he saw the enraged nāga king, who was bringing about the uproar. And wishing for their safety, he applied his psychic powers assuming the form of a gigantic garuḍa flying in the sky, poised to seize the nāga king. Seeing the garuḍa ready to attack him, the nāga king became terrified;
he withdrew his hood and immersed himself into the bottom of the Gaṅgā River.”
“Thus, brahmā, again in one of your past lives, by applying your psychic powers you saved people of two villages who were to be destroyed by a fierce nāga king in the middle of the Gaṅgā River. This is one, which I recollect by My power of remembering former lives, of your moralities practised in the past.”
“In another existence, Brahmā Baka was a noble ascetic named Kesava. He has a resident pupil, Kappa by name. Kappa was an intelligent pupil; he practised morality well. He was always obedient to his master; he did only what was pleasing to his master. Kesava was greatly attached to his pupil and depended on him for everything. One time, he was looked after by the king of Bārāṇasī. But being unsatisfied, he left the king and lived depending on his own pupil, Kappa.”
“Thus, brahmā, you were the noble ascetic Kesava, and I was your residential pupil, Kappa. At that time, you fondly spoke in praise of Me that I was obedient, intelligent and practised morality well. Like a man waking up, I recollect by My power of remembering former lives your moralities practised in the past.”
While the Blessed One was relating the meritorious deeds done by Brahmā Baka in his past rounds of existence, Baka also applied his spiritual powers recollecting his past lives. Just as many different objects became clear under the light of a thousand oil lamps, even so all his past deeds gradually manifested to him.
The Blessed One then revealed that Brahmā Baka’s intellectual capacity was not equal to His. He proved that His intellectual capacity was superior to the brahmā’s. The Blessed One then continued:
“Now, brahmā, having penetrated with direct knowledge I know the earth element with its nature of impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha) and non-self (anatta). And I know the Transcendental Element (Nibbāna Dhātu), which is inaccessible to the earth element by its nature. And I do not cling to the earth element with craving, conceit and wrong view; I do not cling to it as something in which self (atta) and other elements lie, I do not cling to it as something from which
self (atta) and other elements emerge, I do not cling to it as I, Mine, or Myself. And brahmā, having penetrated with direct knowledge I know the water element, …the fire element, …the air element, …beings, …devas, … Pajāpati, …brahmās, …Ābhassara brahmās, …Subhakiṇha brahmās, …Vehapphala brahmās, …Abhibhū brahmās, …Having penetrated with direct knowledge, I know all individuality (sakkāya sabba) pertaining to the three planes of existence with its nature of impermanence, suffering and non-self. And I know the Transcendental Element, which is inaccessible to all individuality, by all its nature. And I do not cling to all individuality with craving, conceit and wrong view; I do not cling to it as something in which self and other elements lie; I do not cling to it as something from which self and other elements
emerge; I do not cling to it as I, Mine, or Myself. And from this, brahmā, it is quite clear that in the matter of transcendental knowledge I am not your equal. I know far more, not less.”
Hearing this explanation, Brahmā Baka accused the Blessed One as giving untrue statements, saying: “Good sir, if You claim that You know what is inaccessible to all by all its nature, may You not be proved vain and empty!”
Brahmā Baka’s statement actually showed us that he had only mundane knowledge, but was ignorant of supramundane knowledge. Then, the Blessed One refuted him, explaining thus:
“Brahmā, there is this Transcendental Element, which is higher than all conditioned things, which is cognisable only by supramundane consciousness, which is invisible to the naked eye, which is completely devoid of the nature of arising and passing away, which is brighter than all other Dhammas. This Nibbāna Dhātu cannot be reached by the earth element by its nature, …the water element, …the fire element, …the air element, …beings, …devas, …Pajāpati, …brahmās, …Ābhassara brahmās, …Subhakiṇha brahmās, …Vehapphala brahmās, …Abhibhū brahmās, …cannot be reached by all (sakkāya dhamma) through the nature of them all (sakkāya).”
In fact, Brahmā Baka had been defeated and had no more words to argue. However, to save his face in the presence of the assembly of high divinities and his retinues, he challenged the Blessed One by showing his superiority in performing miracles.
So, he said: “Well then, good sir, I shall vanish from Your presence. You just search for me!”
The Blessed One said: “Very well, Brahmā Baka, vanish from My presence if you can!”
Thereupon, Brahmā Baka resolved: “I shall vanish from the bhikkhu Gotama; I shall vanish from the bhikkhu Gotama.”
The Blessed One knew his intention and resolved that his body remain in its gross form. For many times, Brahmā Baka tried to apply his psychic powers, but he could not go beyond the reach of the Blessed One’s powers. Then, he tried to create darkness that might cover his body, but the Blessed One dispelled the darkness, so he could not hide himself. Failing so, he entered his mansion hiding himself under the
wish-fulfilling tree. Seeing his manner, instantly all members of the high divinities burst into laughter and jeered, saying: “This Brahmā Baka is now hiding in his mansion, squatting under the wish-fulfilling tree furtively. How funny the way you have hidden yourself!” Thus, Brahmā Baka totally lost his face.
Then, the Blessed One said to him: “Brahmā Baka, you cannot hide yourself. Now, I shall vanish from your presence. Just search for Me!”
Brahmā Baka said: “Try to vanish from my presence if You can.”
The Blessed One made a determination of supernormal power: “Let the Mahā Brahmā, the assembly of brahmās and the brahmā retinues only hear My voice but not see Me.”
And instantly, the Blessed One vanished and could not be detected by them. To let them know that He was still there while remaining invisible, the Blessed One uttered an inspiring stanza:
“Clearly have I seen the dangers in the nature of rounds of existence
And also the craving for existence and for non-existence.
I make no affirmation to any mode of existence.
I no longer take delight in nor cling to any existence.”
“Bhikkhus, when I uttered the stanza, the brahmā and the assembly of high divinities and all its members rejoiced and were filled with a great wonder. They extolled: ‘Indeed, good sirs, it is wonderful! Indeed, it is marvelous! We have never seen any other ascetic or brahmin who has such great power and might as the bhikkhu Gotama, a Sākyan prince who has renounced the throne and went forth into
homelessness. Good sirs, although living in a generation who take delight in worldly life, who are entangled with sensual pleasures and who crave for rounds of existence, the bhikkhu Gotama can remove the root of existence.’”
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奥田 昭則

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