60話 論争家サッチャカ ・・・・ 五蘊の無常・苦・無我をめぐって

第5部 さまざまな「悪」
第4章 外道―異教徒たち
60話 論争家サッチャカ ・・・・ 五蘊の無常・苦・無我をめぐって
「きみたち、恐れてはいけない! いいから、わたしのために引き抜いて、放り投げなさい! もし、彼女たちが、これをやったのは誰か、ときいたら、いいから、ブッダの弟子のサーリプッタが、そうするように、といったのだ、と伝えなさい。また、わたしに論争で挑戦したいと望んでいるのなら、ジェータヴァナ僧院(祇園精舎)に来てもよい、ということも伝えなさい!」
「はい、尊者さま、どうぞおききください! わたしたちは、あなたの質問にお答えできるでしょう」
「姉妹のみなさん、どうして黙っているのですか? わたしの質問に答えるのは、あなたたちの番ですよ」
(訳注: 「一とは何か?」という質問の答えは「生きとし生けるものは食べ物で生きている」食べ物とは身体の栄養物と、心の感覚・知覚刺激情報をさす。「35話 墓場のソーパーカ・・・七歳の阿羅漢」参照。パーリ語の問答は、Ekanāmakiṃ(エーカナーマキン)? Sabbe sattā āhāraṭṭhitikā(サッベーサッター アーハーラ ティッティカー)
それからしばらくたって、世尊がヴェーサーリーに近い大林(マハーヴァナ)の重閣講堂(クーターガーラ サーラー)に住まわれていたとき、姉たちが世尊のもとで比丘尼になったことを知ったサッチャカは、世尊の伝道ぶりをとがめだてするのにふさわしい機会をみつけた。ヴェーサーリーでは、サッチャカが学識のある遍歴行者で、いちばん練達の論争家だ、と誰もが知っていた。かれ自身、次のように自慢していたのである。
ある朝、サッチャカがヴェーサーリー周辺で散歩していたとき、托鉢中の五群比丘(パンチャヴァッギヤ ビックー)の一人、アッサジ尊者を見かけた。そこでサッチャカは世尊を論難する前に世尊の見解を知っておこうとして、尊者に近づいた。親しくあいさつを交わした後、サッチャカは、こうきいた。
「友、アッサジよ、ゴータマ比丘はどのように弟子たちを指導しているのですか? また、かれは、弟子たちに、かれの教えを、どのような実践的な指示として与えているのですか?」
「友、アッサジよ、なんと不適切な見解でしょうか! ゴータマ比丘がそんな見解を語っているのだ、とわれらがきいた以上、わたしはゴータマ比丘といつかどこかで会って、何らかの議論をしてみたいものです。そして多分、われらは、そのような悪しき邪見から、かれを自由にしてあげられるでしょう」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、この大衆とそなたに何の関係があるのですか? そなた自身の見解を説明したらどうですか?」
「それでは、アッギヴェッサナよ、そなたは、五蘊が我である、と認めたのだから、今度はわたしが、尋ねよう。そなたが適切である、と考えたことを、わたしに答えなさい! アッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。『国王として灌頂を受けたコーサラ国のパセーナディ王、あるいはヴィデーヒー妃の子である戴冠(たいかん)したマガダ国のアジャータサットゥ王は、かれらそれぞれの領土内で、死に値する者に処刑を命じたり、財産没収に値する者から財産を没収するよう命じたり、追放に値する者を追放したりする権力をもっているのだろうか?』と」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、答えなさい! いまはそなたが沈黙するときではありません。如来の真っ当な質問に三度まで答えない者は、おのずと頭が七つに割れてしまいますよ」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、もう一度よく考えなさい、もう一度じっくり考えなさい、答えを出す前には! そなたが前にいったことは、そなたが後にいったことと一致していません。それではアッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。そなたは『受は我である』と、表明しましたが、そなたの受に対して『わたしの受はかくあるように、あるいは、わたしの受はかくあるな』と、命令する完全な権力をそなたは持っていますか?」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、もう一度よく考えなさい、もう一度じっくり考えなさい、答えを出す前には! そなたが前にいったことは、そなたが後にいったことと一致していません。それではアッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。そなたは『想は我である』と、表明しましたが、そなたの想に対して『わたしの想はかくあるように、あるいは、わたしの想はかくあるな』と、命令する完全な権力をそなたは持っていますか?」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、もう一度よく考えなさい、もう一度じっくり考えなさい、答えを出す前には! そなたが前にいったことは、そなたが後にいったことと一致していません。それではアッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。そなたは『もろもろの行は我である』と、表明しましたが、そなたのもろもろの行に対して『わたしのもろもろの行はかくあるように、あるいは、わたしのもろもろの行はかくあるな』と、命令する完全な権力をそなたは持っていますか?」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、もう一度よく考えなさい、もう一度じっくり考えなさい、答えを出す前には! そなたが前にいったことは、そなたが後にいったことと一致していません。それではアッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。そなたは『識は我である』と、表明しましたが、そなたの識に対して『わたしの識はかくあるように、あるいは、わたしの識はかくあるな』と、命令する完全な権力をそなたは持っていますか?」
「アッギヴェッサナよ、そなたはこれを、どう考えますか。『(五蘊の)苦に執着し、苦に固執し、苦を固守して、苦を〈これはわたしのものである、これはわたしである、これはわたしの我である〉と、見なす者が、かれ自身の苦を、はたして明確に理解できるでしょうか? かれは苦の滅尽のなかで、生きつづけられるでしょうか?』」
「友、ゴータマよ、どうして、そんなことがありえましょうか? まさしく、ありえません」
「友、ゴータマよ、どうして、わたしがそうでないことがありましょうか? まさしく、わたしはそのとおりです」
「やめてくれ、ドゥンムカよ! やめてくれ、ドゥンムカよ! われらは、あなたと議論しているんじゃない! われらは、友、ゴータマと議論しているんだ」
「友、ゴータマよ、わたしの思い上がった言いぐさは、どうかひとまずわきに置いてください! 取るに足らない、ただの会話ですから。友、ゴータマよ、どのようにしてあなたの弟子は、あなたの教えに従って実践し、道を歩み、すべての煩悩を取り除き、すべての束縛を断ち切って、阿羅漢果に到ることができるのでしょうか?」
「リッチャヴィー族のみなさま方、わたしのいうことをよく聞いてください! 友、ゴータマは、わたしの布施食を、わたしの家であす、お受けくださいました。みなさま、それにふさわしいどんな食べ物でも、持ってきてください」
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At one time, the Vajjian Confederation with its capital city Vesālī was ruled by the Licchavīs. During the time of the Buddha, the Licchavīs were known in India as a powerful people. They were also very much inclined to investigate the various ascetics’ views prevailing then.
Once, a wandering ascetic—follower of Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta—arrived at Vesālī after having wandered all over India. He was a skilled debater who professed five hundred views of disputation. At about the same time, there came to Vesālī a female wandering debater who also professed five hundred views of disputation. The Licchavīs received them in high esteem and treated them well. Thereupon, these royal
descendents arranged a debate contest between these two famous debaters. Many people flocked to the place where the contest was held to watch this rare occasion. The debate was fascinating. But to the end, neither could defeat the other; both proved to be equally proficient.
The Licchavīs persuaded them to settle down and asked them to teach the young Licchavī princes. If they wished to marry each other, the royal descendents would provide all the necessities for their livelihood. Accordingly, they married each other. In due course, the couple had five children: four daughters—Saccā, Lolā, Paṭācārā,
Ācāravatī—and a son, Saccaka—their youngest child. When they grew up, they inherited five hundred views from their father and five hundred views from their mother—a total of one thousand doctrinal views. To their four daughters, their parents advised them: “My dear daughters, if you were defeated in a debate, you might offer yourself as his wife if he is a man; but if he is an ascetic, you might lead a homeless life under him.”
While the four sisters led their career as female debaters by wandering from town to town, Saccaka, who was cleverer than his elder sisters, remained in Vesālī and took the responsibility of teaching the young royal princes. Besides inheriting a thousand views from his parents, Saccaka also studied many unorthodox views, making him famous as an undefeated debater in Jambudīpa. Thinking that he had
accumulated so much knowledge, he feared that his belly—which he believed to be the storehouse of his knowledge—might burst at any moment; therefore, he had it wrapped up with a plated corselette.
In their wandering missions, each of the four sisters carried a jambu tree-branch (Eugenia Sp.). They would plant it on a heap of earth at the entrance of the town and would make a challenging announcement to people that anyone who wanted to refute their ideology should trample and throw the branch aside. One day, when they arrived at Sāvatthi, they planted a jambu tree-branch at the city gate and left their word to some youngsters who were loitering round the gate before they entered the city.
The next morning, when the Venerable Sāriputta was going for alms-round in Sāvatthi, he came across the jambu tree-branch. He asked the youngsters to trample and throw it aside. They said to the elder:
“Venerable sir, we dare not do it. We are afraid of the risk.”
However, the Venerable Sāriputta urged them, saying: “Boys, do not be afraid! Just pull out and throw it away for me! If they ask you who did this, just let them know that Sāriputta, the disciple of the Buddha, had asked you to do it. Tell them also that they may come to the Jetavana Monastery if they wanted to challenge me in a debate!”
Thereupon, the four sisters knew that their jambu tree-branch had been trampled by the order of Venerable Sāriputta. They went around the city, announcing to the citizens: “Dear citizens, be informed that the bhikkhu Sāriputta, the disciple of the Buddha, has challenged us in a great debate at the Jetavana Monastery. Whoever wishes to witness our debate may come with us.”
Accompanied by the multitude, the four debaters finally arrived at the monastery. The Venerable Sāriputta, with his discipleswho were also eager to witness the debate, met them in the preaching hall. After a friendly exchange of greetings, everyone sat down. The elder then asked: “Who should start questioning?”
They replied: “As you were the one who challenged us, we would first charge you with questions.”
“Yes, being womenfolk, you may start questioning,” the elder replied. Thereupon, the four sister debaters positioned themselves in such a way, making the elder seated in the middle. They began firing a non-stop barrage of questions to the elder from four directions, one after another, a thousand in number, all of which they had learned from their parents. But to their surprise, just as one could cut off the stalk of a lotus flower with a sharp double-edged sword, even so the elder could calmly and easily solve and gave a perfect answer to every question.
When they had no more questions, the elder said: “Well, you have asked me a thousand questions, and I have answered all of them to your satisfaction. Now, I shall ask you only a single question. Will you answer it?”
Although their pride has plummeted, they mustered up their courage to answer: “Yes, Venerable sir, please ask! We might be able to answer your question.”
“Sisters, my question is not of a high standard, but a child who becomes a sāmaṇera has to learn it well. We usually train them by asking: ‘What is the one Dhamma?’ And this is also my question to you.”
The four sister debaters tried to analyse the question from many aspects, but they could not find the answer. Then, the elder asked them: “Sisters, why are you silent? It is your turn to answer my question.”
“Venerable sir, we have no idea how to answer your question.”
“If it is so, who is the victor and who is the loser?”
“Venerable sir, you are the victor and we are the loser.”
Thereupon, the four sister debaters told the Venerable Sāriputta about their parents’ advice before they passed away; they mentioned their desire to lead a holy life under the elder. Then, the Venerable Sāriputta sent them to the bhikkhunīs to receive full ordination. Due to their strenuous effort in the practice, they soon attained Arahantship.
Some time later, when the Blessed One was residing in the Pinnacled Hall (Kūṭāgārasālā) at the Great Forest (Mahāvana) near Vesālī, Saccaka, who knew that his sisters had become bhikkhunīs under the Blessed One, found the right moment to reproach the Blessed One’s Dispensation. In Vesālī, everyone knew that Saccaka was a learned wandering ascetic and the most skilful debater. He was boasting himself: “I do not see any person who claims himself to be a bhikkhu, a sectarian leader, a sectarian teacher, an ascetic, a brahmin, or even a Worthy One, a Perfectly Self-Enlightened Buddha, whose body would not shake and from whose armpits sweat would not pour when I refute their doctrinal views in a debate contest. Even a senseless pillar could not remain unshaken in the heat of a debate if I were to
engage it in an ideological debate, let alone a mere human being.”
One morning, when Saccaka was doing a walking exercise around Vesālī, he saw the Venerable Assajione of the Pañcavaggiyā Bhikkhūson his alms-round. He then approached the elder in order to know the Blessed One’s views before rebuking Him. After a friendly exchange of greetings, he asked him: “Revered Assaji, how does the bhikkhu Gotama train His disciples? And how does He give the practical instruction of
His Teachings to His disciples?”
“Aggivessana, this is how the Tathāgata trains His disciples and gives the practical instruction of His Teachings to His disciples:
‘Bhikkhus, corporeality (rūpa) is impermanent (anicca), sensation (vedanā) is impermanent, perception (saññā) is impermanent, volitional activities (saṅkhārā) are impermanent, consciousness (viññāṇa) is impermanent. Corporeality is not self (anatta), sensation is not self, perception is not self, volitional activities are not self,
consciousness is not self. All conditioned things are impermanent and all dhammas are not self.’ This, Aggivessana, is how the Tathāgata trains His disciples, and this is the instruction of His Teachings, which He emphasized many times to His disciples to practise.”
On hearing this, Saccaka said: “Revered Assaji, what an improper view! Should we hear this view as to what the bhikkhu Gotama professes, I hope some time we might meet the bhikkhu Gotama in some place where we could have some discussion. And perhaps, we might be able to free Him from such a pernicious view.”
Saccaka thought: “Now that I have known the Teachings of the bhikkhu Gotama from His disciple Assaji, I would take these five hundred Licchavī princes with me and go to His place today. Then, I would reproach Him for His views.” He then went to the assembly hall where the five hundred Licchavī princes were holding a meeting.
On arriving, he invited the Licchavī princes: “Honourable Licchavīs, I humbly invite you today to witness a great debate between the bhikkhu Gotama and me; let yourselves know that this will be the greatest discussion of all. Revered Assaji, one of the Pañcavaggiyā and a prominent disciple of the bhikkhu Gotama, has mentioned to me that the bhikkhu Gotama professes the firm views of impermanence and insubstantiality. If the bhikkhu Gotama would also declare it to me, then just as a strong man taking hold of a ram by its long fleece might pull it, push it, or keep on pulling and pushing it about, even so will I pull and push the bhikkhu Gotama about with my arguments and refutations of His views.”
Then, Saccaka and the five hundred Licchavī princes made their way to the Pinnacled Hall. There, a bhikkhu told him that the Blessed One was sitting under a shady tree for His noon meditation in the Great Forest (Mahāvana). Soon, Saccaka met the Tathāgata there. After a cordial exchange of greetings, Saccaka and the princes sat down at a suitable place. Thereupon, Saccaka asked the Tathāgata: “Revered Gotama, if You were pleased I would like to ask how You train Your disciples and the
essence of Your Teachings that You emphasize much to Your disciples to practise.”
“Aggivessana, this is how the Tathāgata trains His disciples and gives the practical instruction of His Teachings to His disciples:
‘Bhikkhus, corporeality is impermanent, sensation is impermanent, perception is impermanent, volitional activities are impermanent, consciousness is impermanent. Corporeality is not self, sensation is not self, perception is not self, volitional activities are not self, consciousness is not self. All conditioned things are impermanent, and all dhammas are not self.’ This, Aggivessana, is how the Tathāgata
trains His disciples, and this is the essence of His Teachings which He emphasizes many times to His disciples to practise.”
“Revered Gotama, an analogy occurs to me.”
“Do reveal it, Aggivessana!” the Tathāgata said to him.
“Revered Gotama, just as seedlings and trees which depend and rest on the earth as their support can sprout, grow and flourish; or just as a manual worker who depends and rests on the earth as their support can accomplish his task, even so, revered Gotama, a person begets either merit or demerit based on corporeality as self; a person begets either merit or demerit based on sensation as self; a person begets either merit or demerit based on perception as self; a person begets either
merit or demerit based on volitional activities as self; a person begets either merit or demerit based on consciousness as self. It seems the revered Gotama has thus discarded this very evidence of substantiality (atta) and declared it to be insubstantial (anatta).”
“Aggivessana, do you say that corporeality is self (atta), sensation is self, perception is self, volitional activities are self, consciousness is self?”
“Revered Gotama, indeed I say: ‘corporeality is self, sensation is self, perception is self, volitional activities are self, consciousness is self,’ and so does this great concourse of Vesālī citizens.”
“Aggivessana, what has this great mass of people got to do with you? Why don’t you explain your own view?”
“Yes, revered Gotama, indeed I say: ‘corporeality is self, sensation is self, perception is self, volitional activities are self, and consciousness is self.’”
“Well, Aggivessana, since you have admitted that the fivefold aggregate is self, I will ask you in turn about this. Answer me as you think fit! Aggivessana, what do you think about this: ‘Would an anointed king like Pasenadi Kosala, or the crowned king Ajātasattu of Magadha, son of Queen Videha, have the power in their respective territory to order the execution of one who deserves to be put to death, to order the confiscation of one’s property when it deserves to be confiscated, and to banish one who deserves to be banished?’”
“Surely, revered Gotama, an anointed king like Pasenadi Kosala, or the crowned king Ajātasattu of Magadha, son of Queen Videha, would have the power in their respective territory to order the execution of one who deserves to be put to death, to order the confiscation of one’s property when it deserves to be confiscated, and to banish one who deserves to be banished.”
“Revered Gotama, even the chiefs of a federation state, like the Vajjians or the Mallas, would have the power in their respective territory to order the execution of one who deserves to be put to death, to order the confiscation of one’s property when it deserves to be confiscated, and to banish one who deserves to be banished. What
more do we need to say of an anointed king like Pasenadi Kosala, or the crowned king Ajātasattu of Magadha, son of Queen Videha? Surely, revered Gotama, he would have the power, and he deserves to have the power.”
“Aggivessana, now what do you think about this? You have declared, ‘Corporeality is self’; do you have complete power over your corporeality, saying, ‘May my corporeality be thus or may my corporeality not be thus’?”
When the Tathāgata asked thus, Saccaka, son of Nigaṇṭha, remained completely silent. Then, for the second time the Tathāgata asked Saccaka, son of Nigaṇṭha, to answer the same question: “Aggivessana, now what do you think about this? You have declared, ‘Corporeality is self’; do you have complete power over your corporeality, saying, ‘May my corporeality be thus or may my corporeality not be thus’?” And for
the second time, Saccaka remained silent.
Then, the Tathāgata warned Saccaka, saying: “Aggivessana, speak up now! This is not the time for you to keep silent. One who does not answer the Tathāgata’s legitimate question after being asked for three times will find his head split into seven spontaneously.”
Then, Deva Sakka could not help but come to the place under the guise of the ogre Vajirapāṇi, wielding a burning, blazing, flaming thunderbolt and standing suspended in the air above Saccaka. He frightened Saccaka with the thought: “If this Saccaka, son of Nigaṇṭha, does not answer the Tathāgata’s legitimate question after
being asked for three times, I will split his head into seven with my thunderbolt.” This strange sight was visible only to the Tathāgata and Saccaka.
Saccaka was so shocked that his body shuddered, his hair stood on end; from his armpits and body, beads of sweat were streaming down. Gooseflesh developed all over his body. No one could help him. However, only in the Buddha Himself could he seek protection, shelter and refuge. Thus, he implored Him: “Please be kind enough, O revered Gotama, to repeat the question. I shall answer.”
The Tathāgata repeated His question: “Aggivessana, now what do you think about this? You have declared, ‘Corporeality is self’; do you have complete power over your corporeality, saying, ‘May my corporeality be thus or may my corporeality not be thus’?”
With a trembling voice, Saccaka replied: “I do not have the power, revered Gotama.”
“Aggivessana, think over it again and ponder it again before you give an answer! What you said before does not agree with what you said later; and what you said later does not agree with what you said before. Now, what do you think about this, Aggivessana? You have declared, ‘Sensation is self’; do you have complete power over your sensation, saying, ‘May my sensation be thus or may my sensation not be thus’?”
Saccaka replied: “I do not have the power, revered Gotama.”
“Aggivessana, think over it again and ponder it again before you give an answer! What you said before does not agree with what you said later; and what you said later does not agree with what you said before. Now what do you think about this, Aggivessana? You have declared, ‘Perception is my self’; do you have complete power over your perception, saying, ‘May my perception be thus or may my perception not be thus’?”
Saccaka replied: “I do not have the power, revered Gotama.”
“Aggivessana, think over it again and ponder it again before you give an answer! What you said before does not agree with what you said later; and what you said later does not agree with what you said before. Now, what do you think about this, Aggivessana? You have declared, ‘Volitional activities are self’; do you have complete power over your volitional activities, saying, ‘May my volitional activities be thus or may my volitional activities not be thus’?”
Saccaka replied: “I do not have the power, revered Gotama.”
“Aggivessana, think over it again and ponder it again before you give an answer! What you said before does not agree with what you said later; and what you said later does not agree with what you said before. Now, what do you think about this, Aggivessana? You have declared, ‘Consciousness is self’; do you have complete power over your consciousness, saying, ‘May my consciousness be thus or may my
consciousness not be thus’?”
Saccaka replied: “I do not have the power, revered Gotama.”
The Blessed One continued to exhort Saccaka by way of question and answer about the common characteristics of the fivefold aggregate.
“Aggivessana, what do you think about this, ‘Is corporeality permanent or impermanent’?”
“Impermanent, revered Gotama.”
“And is whatever is impermanent suffering (dukkha) or happiness (sukha)?”
“Suffering, revered Gotama.”
“And is it proper to consider that this corporeality which is impermanent, suffering and subject to change as, ‘This is mine, this is I, this is my self’?”
“Indeed, revered Gotama, it is not proper.”
“Aggivessana, what do you think about this: Is sensation…perception…volitiona
“Impermanent, revered Gotama.”
“And is whatever is impermanent suffering or happiness?”
“Suffering, revered Gotama.”
“And is it proper to consider that this sensation…perception…volitiona
“Indeed, revered Gotama, it is not proper.”
Having made Saccaka admit that the five aggregates are impermanent,
suffering and insubstantial in the presence of the five hundred Licchavī princes, the Tathāgata proceeded questioning him in order to vanquish him by accepting the Truth: “Aggivessana, what do you think about this, ‘When a person clings to suffering (the fivefold aggregate), adheres to suffering, cleaves to suffering and considers
suffering as, ‘this suffering is mine, this suffering is I, this suffering is my self’, could he clearly understand his own suffering? Could he remain alive in complete extinction of suffering?”
“Revered Gotama, how could it be? Indeed, he could not.”
“Aggivessana, what do you think about this, ‘If that is so, do you not think that you yourself are clinging to suffering, attached to suffering, cleaving to suffering, and holding the wrong view that ‘this suffering is mine, this suffering is I, this suffering is my self’?’”
“Revered Gotama, how am I not so? Indeed, I am.”
“Suppose, Aggivessana, a man with a sharp hatchet might enter a forest and wander about looking for, seeking and searching for heartwood. And he might see a plantain tree with a straight stem, devoid of budding stalks. He cut off the bottom part and cut off its crown. He then peeled off the sheaths of the stem. Having peeled off the sheaths of the stem, that man would not get even the sapwood; let alone heartwood. In the same way, Aggivessana, when I questioned and cross-questioned you for reasons in regard to your view, you have proved to be empty, futile and a great failure.”
“Aggivessana, you have been boasting yourself in front of the citizens of Vesālī thus: ‘I do not see any person who claims himself to be a bhikkhu, a sectarian leader, a sectarian teacher, an ascetic, a brahmin, or even a Worthy One, a Perfectly Self-Enlightened Buddha, whose body would not shake and from whose armpits sweat would not pour when I refute their doctrinal views in a debate contest. Even a
senseless pillar could not remain unshaken in the heat of debate if I were to engage it in an ideological debate, let alone a mere human being.’”
“But, Aggivessana, it is from your armpits and body that beads of sweat are pouring down; and having soaked your garments, they drip to the ground. As for Me, Aggivessana, there is no trace of perspiration on My body.” And thereupon, the Tathāgata exposed His golden-hued body to the assembly.
When the Tathāgata had said thus, Saccaka, son of Nigaṇṭha, sat speechless with a sad look and ashamed, with shoulders drooping, head downcast; he was at his wits end.
Seeing Saccaka behaving this way, Dummukha, a Licchavī prince, then spoke to the Tathāgata: “Venerable sir, a simile occurs to me.”
“Express it, Dummukha!” the Tathāgata urged.
“Venerable sir, it is as though there were a pond near a village or market town, and a crab were living there. Then, many boys and girls, coming out from that village or market town were to approach that pond; having arrived there, they took the crab out of the water and threw it onto the ground. And, Venerable sir, when that crab would thrust out a claw, those boys and girls were to smash it and crush it with sticks and potsherds. Just as that crab, with its claws broken, smashed and crushed, would be unable to get down into the pond as before; even so, Venerable sir, it is impossible for Saccaka, son of Nigaṇṭha, to approach the Blessed One again to make refutations and assertions as the Blessed One has smashed, broken and crushed all of his distorted, conceited and twisted views.”
When this was said, Saccaka yelled at Dummukha: “Stop it, Dummukha! Stop it, Dummukha! We are not having a discussion with you! We are having a discussion with the revered Gotama.”
At that time, the other Licchavī princes also wanted to express their own similes with the intention to take revenge on Saccaka, who had given them a contemptuous treatment while they were undergoing training under his care. But, Saccaka knew their intention. To avoid a worse situation and to keep up his dignity, he said: “Revered Gotama, please leave aside my haughty statements! It is just a frivolous talk. Revered Gotama, how does a disciple of Yours practise according to Your Teachings that having followed the path, having eliminated all cankers, having destroyed all fetters, he could attain the fruit of Arahantship?”
“In this Dispensation, Aggivessana, My disciple sees all corporeality with the right understanding as they really are, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, mean or exalted, far or near. Through insight knowledge and path knowledge, he sees thus: ‘this corporeality is not mine, this corporeality is not I, this corporeality is not my self’…all sensations…all perceptions…all volitional activities…all consciousness…thus: ‘this consciousness is not mine, this consciousness is not I, this consciousness is not my self’. Thus, Aggivessana, a disciple of Mine practises according to My Teachings that having followed the path, having eliminated all cankers, having destroyed all fetters, he could attain the fruit of Arahantship.”
“Then, Aggivessana, when a bhikkhu’s mind is thus emancipated, he reveres, esteems, honours and venerates the Tathāgata thus: ‘Our Teacher, the Blessed One, having Himself been Perfectly Self-Enlightened, expounds the Dhamma to enlighten sentient beings; having Himself been in peace, expounds the Dhamma to sentient beings only for peace; having Himself crossed over the four great floods, expounds the Dhamma to sentient beings only for crossing over; having Himself achieved the supreme goal of Nibbāna, expounds the Dhamma to sentient beings only for the achievement of Nibbāna.’”
When the Tathāgata had thus explained, Saccaka addressed Him:
“Revered Gotama, indeed, we are very arrogant. We were impudent that we have tried to disparage You with harsh and discourteous words. Revered Gotama, there might be safety for a man after attacking a furious elephant, but there could be no safety for a man attacking the revered Gotama. Revered Gotama, there might be safety for a man who attacks a blazing mass of fire, but there could be no safety for a man attacking the revered Gotama. Revered Gotama, there might be safety for a man who attacks a dreadful and poisonous snake, but there could be no safety for a man attacking the revered Gotama. Revered Gotama, indeed, we are very arrogant. We were impudent that we have tried to disparage You with harsh and discourteous words.”
Then, Saccaka invited the Tathāgata: “May the revered Gotama, together with the Order of Bhikkhus, be pleased to accept my offering of alms-meal at my place tomorrow.” The Tathāgata gave His consent by keeping silent.
Saccaka then told the Licchavī princes: “Honourable Licchavīs, please listen to me! The revered Gotama has accepted my invitation of food offering ceremony at my place tomorrow. You might bring to me any kind food suitable for them.”
Thereupon, the five hundred Licchavī princes brought him five hundred pots of cooked food. Saccaka, having made the sumptuous food ready, sent a messenger to inform the Tathāgata: “Revered Gotama, it is time for meal; the alms-food is ready.”
That morning, having dressed and taking His alms-bowl, the Tathāgata together with His disciples went to Saccaka’s place. After they have been seated on the seats prepared, Saccaka served with his own hands the sumptuous food to the bhikkhus.
When the Tathāgata and His disciples had finished their meal, Saccaka sat down at one side and addressed the Tathāgata: “Revered Gotama, may the accumulation of merit by this great offering bring happiness and well-being of the donors, the Licchavī princes.”
To this wrong understanding, the Tathāgata exhorted: “Saccaka, the merit goes to the Licchavī princes for the gifts offered to a recipient like you, who is not free from greed, hatred and delusion. But the merit goes to you for the gifts offered to a recipient like Me, free from greed, hatred and delusion.”
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奥田 昭則

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