14話 菩薩の出家

第1部 出家まで
第5章 出家
14話 菩薩の出家
“Upaddutaṃ vata bho! (ウパッドゥタン ワタ ボー)
Upassaṭṭhaṃ vata bho!” (ウパッサッタン ワタ ボー)
「チャンナよ、今夜こそ、わたしは、この世を捨てたい。誰にも知らせるな! 速く静かに行って、わが無双の白馬カンタカに鞍をつけ、少しきつく締めてくれ!」
「カンタカ、今夜わたしの大出離、気高く貴い出家へ、道案内してくれ! おまえの手助けは、確実に大きな功徳となる。さとりに達したあと、わたしはすべての有情を輪廻(サンサーラ)の苦から解脱させて救い出し、かれらを涅槃(ニッバーナ)の最上の幸福へみちびくであろう」
「おお、若く勇敢な菩薩よ、世を捨てるな! 僧になる必要はない。なぜならきょうから七日後に、聖なる輪宝があなたの前に現れるだろう。わたしは約束するが、あなたは転輪聖王になって富と権力をもつだろう。宮殿に戻りなさい、殿下! 戻りなさい!」
「おまえは誰だ? どういうわけで、あえてわたしの出家を思いとどまらせようとするのか?」と菩薩がきいた。
「消え失せよ、悪魔! わが道を、これ以上妨げるな! わたしは、おまえなどより前に、聖なる輪宝が確かにわたしに現れると、すでに知っていた。だが、わたしには転輪聖王になりたいという望みがこれっぽっちもないのだ。なぜなら、さとりに達することこそ勝っているからである。ブッダの偉大な力によって、わたしはあらゆる有情を生老病死の苦難から解脱させるために助けるであろう。かれらを涅槃の無上の幸福にみちびくであろう」
「おお、若い王子よ、いまの言葉を絶えず心に保っておけ! これからの七年間、しっかり、おまえにつきまとってやろう。おまえの心が肉欲、怒り、害意に満たされるたびに、わたしが誰なのか、思い知らせてやろう。おまえの心のエネルギーの流れに汚れが生じる、まさにその現場で、わたしはおまえを即座に殺してやろう」
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The four great omens happened one after another as a log flowing along a river without any barrier would surely reach the ocean. What the eight learned brahmins had predicted came true.
In his residential palace, an extravagant party was arranged by King Suddhodana. A grand dinner was prepared, and some beautiful female attendants were ready to serve the prince. Girls who were skilful musicians, dancers and singers, and who possessed celestial beauty and complexion were ready to entertain the prince for celebrating the birth of King Suddhodana’s grandson—Rāhula, who was born that morning.
The prince, who had just come back from his auspicious trip, looked happier now compared with his previous trip. Everyone in the palace misunderstood. They thought the prince was happy due to the birth of Rāhula, but actually he was happy because he knew the way leading to real happiness was by renouncing the world and becoming a monk.
However, the prince did not want to disappoint his father. He had his dinner quietly without paying much attention to the songs and dances. After that, he went to sit on the side of the royal couch. All the singers and dancers followed him to where he went. With musical instruments playing, the performers staged beautiful dances and sang melodious songs. Even as he watched the dances and heard the songs, they were neither enjoyable nor attractive, for actually he was tired after a full-day trip and his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of liberating sentient beings from old age, sickness and death, all of which were distressing, oppressing and miserable.
After a while, the prince became very tired. He found no pleasure in such entertainments as the singing, dancing and music. He then laid down on his right side and soon fell asleep. Knowing that it was no use entertaining a sleeping prince, the singers, dancers and musicians stopped their play, and found a chance to rest for a while until the prince would wake up again. As they were also exhausted, they
immediately fell asleep, letting fragrant oil lamps illuminate the chamber.
Leaving the Palace
At about midnight, Prince Siddhattha was awake. He sat cross-legged on the couch and looked around. He was shocked with what he saw. He found all the dancing girls, singers and musicians sleeping all over the floor of the chamber. The beautiful and charming girls, who entertained the prince a while ago, now lost their charm. Some girls were sleeping with their mouths open, with saliva flowing out and soiling their cheeks. Some were grinding their teeth like hungry ghosts, some were snoring like pigs, and some were jabbering. Some were lying with their clothes open, showing parts of their bodies while some others with their hair loose and in confusion. They looked ugly, loathsome, and were in shameful positions. The prince felt very disgusted with the sight; they were not different from dead bodies in a cemetery.
The Bodhisatta, Prince Siddhattha, became more detached from the five objects of sensual pleasure which were not real happiness, but which gave rise to more distress and suffering. He then expressed his intense feeling by uttering:
“Upaddutaṁ vata bho!
Upassaṭṭhaṁ vata bho!”
“O, how distressing it is!
O, how oppressing it is!”
Prince Siddhattha became more determined that it was the right time to go forth from household life. He rose up from the royal couch and left the chamber so quietly that none of the dancing girls, singers and musicians woke up.
Then he found Channa, who were sleeping with his head resting on the threshold of the door. He instructed: “Channa, I wish to renounce the world this very night. Do not let anyone know! Go quickly and silently, and saddle my mighty white horse Kanthaka a bit tighter!”
Channa gave his assent, saying: “Very well, Your Majesty.” Swiftly, he carried with him a harness and some other necessary equipments, and went to the royal stable. When Channa saddled Kanthaka rather tightly, that horse came to know that he was being saddled differently and had no doubt that the prince was going forth to become a monk that very night riding on him. His heart was overjoyed because he was chosen by the prince for his noble renunciation (mahābhinikkhamana). He neighed
so vehemently that the sound reverberated throughout the whole City of Kapilavatthu, but the devas let no one hear the neighing sound.
In the mean time, Prince Siddhattha felt that he should see his newborn son before renunciation. He went to Princess Yasodharā’s chamber and opened the door quietly. Within the chamber, which was illuminated by scented oil lamps, the prince found her sleeping soundly with the baby prince beside her, with one hand on the head of the baby covering his face.
With a heart full of love, the prince stood still at the door looking at them. He did not dare to remove Princess Yasodharā’s hand and to cuddle his son even though he dearly wanted to. He reflected: “If I remove her hand, I will awake her, and if she wakes up, my plan of renunciation, which I am about to perform, will be upset as she will not allow me to leave the palace. Although I haven’t seen my dear son yet, but after I have found the way of deliverance from worldly suffering, and after I have found the medicine which can overcome aging, sickness and death, I shall come back and see my son and his mother.” Having made a strong resolution, he went out of the chamber and closed the door quietly.
Channa and Kanthaka were ready and were waiting for the prince in front of his residential palace. The prince descended from the royal palace, approached Kanthaka and instructed him: “Kanthaka, lead me this night for my noble renunciation! Your help is surely of great merit. After attaining Buddhahood, I will rescue all sentient beings to be free from the suffering of saṁsāra and guide them to the highest
happiness of Nibbāna.”
On that full-moon day of Āsāḷha 594 B.C., in the middle watch of the night, silently Prince Siddhattha left the palace riding on the back of Kanthaka. His connate companion, Channa, accompanied him by clutching the tail of the horse. Clumps of thick clouds suddenly appeared and covered the sky as if it were to cry. But soon, they disappeared. The sky then became clear and was lit by the bright moonlight illuminating the silent night.
Ever since the childhood of the Bodhisatta, King Suddhodana had instructed sentinels in greater number to safeguard the main gate. He wanted to put in more precautions to prevent the Bodhisatta from seeing the omens predicted by the eight learned brahmins. But now, after the four omens had occurred, he considered to have the main gate of the royal city strengthened. It would make it impossible for the
prince to flee unnoticed through the main gate.
The Bodhisatta, Channa and Kanthaka each knew that the main gate of the royal city had been strengthened; however each of them had a similar plan to escape from the Kapilavatthu City by jumping over the high wall of the city were the main gate not open. However, by the virtues of the Bodhisatta, the guardian devas were pleased to keep the gate readily open for him to pass.
The Deterrence of Māra Vasavattī
Thus, when the Bodhisatta arrived at the main gate of the royal city, he had no difficulty to go out as no one hindered him. But, just as he rode out of the main gate, Māra Vasavattī stopped him. He descended to the human world from his abode of the Paranimmitavasavattī-Deva world in a blink of time, as fast as he could stretch his folded arm. He had always obstructed sentient beings from being emancipated from the rounds of rebirth. Now, he came to dissuade the Bodhisatta from going forth by tricking him into believing that the cancellation of his efforts was for his own good and was more beneficial to all.
When Māra tried thus to stop the Bodhisatta, Kanthaka was so upset that he jumped up to the sky with both of his rear legs and tried to kick Māra with both of his front legs, but Māra could avoid it by using his power. Then while levitating in the sky, Māra spoke thus to deter the Bodhisatta: “O young and brave Bodhisatta, do not renounce the world! You do not need to become a monk, for on the seventh day from today, the divine Wheel Treasure shall make its appearance before you. I promise that you shall be a Universal Monarch with great prosperity and power. Go back to your palace, Your Majesty! Go back!”
The Bodhisatta asked: “Who are you? How dare you deter my renunciation?”
Māra replied: “Your Majesty, I am Māra Vasavattī.”
The Bodhisatta made this bold reply: “Get away, Māra! Hinder my path no more! I have already known even before you that the divine Wheel Treasure will certainly arise for me. But I do not have the least desire to become a Universal Monarch as for me the attainment of Buddhahood is supreme. By the great power of a Buddha, I will help all sentient beings to be free from the afflictions caused by birth, old age, sickness and death. I will guide them to the eternal bliss of Nibbāna.”
Thereupon, Māra threatened the Bodhisatta: “O young prince, keep your words constantly in mind! From this time onwards, for seven years, I will follow you closely. I will make you know well who I am whenever your mind is filled with sensual desires, ill-will or cruelty. I will kill you outright at the very place where the defilements arise in your mental continuum.”
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奥田 昭則

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