17話 二人の仙人

第2部 成道へ
第1章 苦行
17話 二人の仙人
「われらは運がいい、友よ! われらがじつに運がいいのは、あなたのように鋭敏で、機敏で、たとえようのない知性をもった貴い同輩の行者がみつかったことです! だから、わたしがみずからありのままの知見をとおしてさとり、達成した教えを、あなたは、ありのままの知見をとおしてさとり、そこのなかに至福のうちにとどまっているのです。そして、みずからありのままの知見をとおしてさとり、達成した教えを、わたしは、そこのなかに至福のうちにとどまっているのです。だから、あなたはわたしが知っている教えを知っているのです。わたしはあなたが知っている教えを知っているのです。わたしがそうであるように、あなたもそうなのです。あなたがそうであるように、わたしもそうなのです。さあ、友よ! この集団をいっしょに指導しましょう!」
「われらは幸福です、友よ! われらがじつに幸福なのは、このように鋭敏で、機敏で、たとえようのない知性をもった貴い同輩の行者と会えたことです! ラーマが知っている教えをあなたは知っている。あなたが知っている教えをラーマは知っている。ラーマがそうであるように、あなたもそうなのです。あなたがそうであるように、ラーマもそうなのです。さあ、友よ! これからはあなたがこの行者の集団を指導するべきです」
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Episode 17 Āḷāra Kālāma AND Uddaka Rāmaputta, THE TWO TEACHERS
Āḷāra Kālāma
At that time, in Majjhimadesa (Middle Country or India nowadays) there were many religious teachers. Each taught their own ways of practices and doctrines to their disciples in their hermitages. The Bodhisatta set out on his journey in quest of the supreme state of sublime peace—Nibbāna. He descended from the Paṇḍava Hill and went to the City of Vesālī, where a great religious teacher, Āḷāra Kālāma, lived with his pupils.
Āḷāra Kālāma was a distinguished teacher and was highly respected. He was believed to have attained several spiritual achievements up to the high state of concentration called “ākiñcaññāyatana”. When the Bodhisatta reached Āḷāra Kālāma’s hermitage, he approached him and made a request saying: “O friend Kālāma, I wish to lead a holy life in this dispensation of yours.”
Thereupon, Āḷāra Kālāma gave his permission and sincerely encouraged him: “You may stay here, O noble friend. This teaching is such that an intelligent practising person in no long time can realise through direct knowledge what his own teacher knows and dwells in blissfully.”
The Bodhisatta, being a man of superb intelligence, soon learned Āḷāra’s doctrine. And before long, he could recite and rehearse his teaching with knowledge and assurance, but it brought him to no realisation of the highest Truth.
Then, there came to him the thought: “It does not appear that Āḷāra Kālāma declares his teaching through mere faith; surely he must be one who has himself gained and realised it through direct knowledge and abides in the attainments thereof.” So he approached his teacher again and asked: “How far, friend Kālāma, that you yourself have realised and attained this teaching through direct knowledge?”
Upon this, Āḷāra Kālāma made known to him the practical knowledge that he had himself realised by giving a full account of the seven mundane attainments up to the ākiñcaññāyatana jhāna (the mental absorption of the base of Nothingness).
Then it occurred to the Bodhisatta: “It is not only Āḷāra Kālāma that has faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom, but I, too, possess these virtues. What if I strive to realise the teaching which he says he himself has realised and dwelt in its attainment blissfully!” Thus, he strived strenuously, and within two or three days he realised and attained the teaching through direct knowledge up to the ākiñcaññāyatana jhāna and dwelt in it blissfully, but it brought him no realisation of the highest Truth.
Again, he approached Āḷāra Kālāma and inquired: “O friend Kālāma, is this the full extent of this teaching of which you say that you yourself have realised through direct knowledge and dwelt blissfully therein?” When Āḷāra Kālāma replied affirmatively, the Bodhisatta informed him thus: “Friend, having put my strenuous effort through this practical course, I also have realised thus far in this teaching
and dwelt blissfully therein.”
Āḷāra Kālāma was very happy to hear the achievement of his distinguished disciple. Befitting a true noble person without envy and selfishness, he openly praised the Bodhisatta thus: “We are fortunate, friend! We are indeed fortunate to have found a venerable fellow ascetic with sharp, quick and incomparable intelligence like you! So, the teaching that I myself have realised and attained through direct knowledge, have you yourself realised through your direct knowledge
and dwelt blissfully therein. And the teaching that you yourself have realised and attained through direct knowledge, have I myself realised through direct knowledge and dwelt blissfully therein. So, you know the teaching that I know; I know the teaching that you know. As I am, so are you; as you are, so am I. Come, friend! Let us now lead this community together!” Āḷāra Kālāma then asked his disciples to assemble
and said: “O disciples, I have gained the seven mundane attainments, so has this noble fellow ascetic. So from now on, half of you should take instruction from this noble fellow ascetic; and the rest should take instruction from me.” Thus, Āḷāra Kālāma placed the Bodhisatta, his pupil, on an equal footing with himself and entrusted half of his disciples to him.
The Bodhisatta soon reflected on the nature and benefits of his attainments in the present life and what would be derived therefrom in the next; and he came to know the nature and benefits of his attainments in this present life and his rebirth that would take place in the Ākiñcaññāyatana Immaterial Brahmā abode in the next. Thereupon, he thought: “This teaching does not lead to dispassion, to fading of
lust, to cessation of sufferings, to peace of mind, to direct knowledge, to Enlightenment, and to Nibbāna.”
The Bodhisatta became dissatisfied with the teaching, which only led to a high degree of mental concentration, but did not provide the answer to the problems of life and death, old age and sickness that had constantly occupied his mind. He was not eager to lead the community of ascetics as offered by his generous teacher, without first perfecting himself. Finally, he politely took his leave from his teacher, Āḷāra Kālāma.
Uddaka Rāmaputta
It was not difficult for the Bodhisatta to find another religious teacher more competent than the previous one, since at that time in Majjhimadesa, there were numerous religious teachers with their own traditions which had developed centuries ago and which were well established through their successive disciples. All these provided a suitable environment for those who were inclined to reach spiritual
advancement by leading a holy life.
The Bodhisatta immediately departed from Vesālī and walked towards the Magadha Country. Having crossed the Mahī River, after some short distance he reached another hermitage on the river bank. The hermitage was led by a highly respected religious teacher named Uddaka Rāmaputta (Uddaka, the son of Rāma).
The Bodhisatta approached him and expressed his desire to lead a holy life in his dispensation. Uddaka was pleased to accept him as his disciple. He then expounded his teaching and encouraged the Bodhisatta that being an intelligent, person he, too, would soon realise the teaching and live in happiness.
Thereafter, without wasting his time, the Bodhisatta devotedly learned the teaching and the course of practice. Being a highly intelligent person, before long he could easily master the teaching.
But he found that it did not bring him to the realisation of the highest Truth. So he came to Uddaka and asked: “O friend, to what extent did your father Rāma say that he himself dwelt realising this teaching?”
Uddaka replied: “My father, Rāma the Master, had himself realised the eight mundane attainments up to the extent of the n’eva saññā n’āsaññāyatana jhāna (the mental absorption of the base of Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception).”
Uddaka had not yet himself realised the advanced concentration up to the n’eva saññā n’āsaññāyatana jhāna. Fortunately, before his father’s demise he had inherited the practical knowledge to attain it. He then explained what had been taught by his father, Rāma, to the Bodhisatta.
The Bodhisatta, who had firm faith in the meditation technique, put forth his utmost effort, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom into the practice. In a short time, he realised the eight mundane attainments up to the n’eva saññā n’āsaññāyatana jhāna, the highest state of worldly concentration.
Having heard the achievement of his intelligent disciple, Uddaka exclaimed his delight and invited the Bodhisatta thus: “We are happy, friend! We are indeed happy to see such a venerable fellow ascetic with sharp, quick and incomparable intelligence like you! The teaching that Rāma knew, you know; the teaching that you know, Rāma knew. As Rāma was, so are you; as you are, so was Rāma. Come, friend,
henceforth you should lead this community of ascetics.” Thus, unlike the Bodhisatta’s previous teacher, Uddaka honoured him by inviting him to be their teacher and to take full charge of all the disciples.
However, the Bodhisatta soon knew that his attainment was not what he aspired for. By this attainment, he would only be reborn in the N’eva Saññā N’āsaññāyatana Immaterial-Brahmā abode, but his ultimate goal was far ahead. He realised that his spiritual aspiration was far higher than the aspiration of those under whom he had learned. Now, he realised that no one was capable to teach him what he was searching
for. He knew that he could no longer depend on others to attain the highest Truth, Nibbāna. Unsatisfied with his mundane achievement, he left Uddaka Rāmaputta’s hermitage after expressing his gratitude for all the guidance, the facilities and the honour he was given.
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