18話 苦行・・・骨と皮に

第2部 成道へ
第1章 苦行
18話 苦行・・・・骨と皮に
「そんな瞬間に、わたしは薄気味悪く感じたのだが、こんな思いも心に浮かんだ。『なぜわたしは、おそろしさやこわさを、つねに待ち受けているのだろうか? おそろしさやこわさを、いまわたしがとっている姿勢を持続することで、静めてみてはどうであろうか?』」
「わが皮膚のみ残れ! わが筋のみ残れ! わが骨のみ残れ! わが肉と血は干からびよ!」
「おお、気高く貴い沙門よ、完全な断食の実践をなさいませんように! 食べ物をまったく食べないのなら、われらは神の食べ物をあなたの毛穴から注入することになりましょう。その食べ物で、あなたは命を持ちこたえるでしょう」
「おお気高く貴い王子よ、あなたはいまやひどく痩せている。あなたのからだはまばゆい光彩を失い、ひどく衰えた。死が間近に来ている。生きながらえる見こみは千に一つだ。生きよ、おお気高く貴い王子よ! 生きるのが、より好ましい道だ。もし長生きすれば、功徳を積める。禁欲行の清らかな生活をして、生け贄供養の護摩の儀式をいとなめる。そうすれば、さらに多大な功徳が得られるであろう。この苦行の実践は何の役に立つのか? この古い径は耐えがたい! あなたの目標は達成しがたい! この実践には確かさがない! まさに、こんな道を歩んでゆくのは実行可能なことではない!」
かれはさらに、よく考えた。「なぜ、わたしは、そのような喜びを恐れるべきであろうか? 純粋に出離(ネッカンマ)から生じた至福で、官能の欲望からまったく離れているのだ。わたしは確かに出息・入息(アーナパーナ)修習(バーワナー)の禅定の至福を恐れてはいない」
そのつらいときのあいだ、かれの心に、次のような考えは決して浮かばなかった。「この長きにわたって、すべてのわたしの体力と能力を使ってきた。そしてこの長きにわたってすべて耐え、最も過酷な痛みにも耐えた。しかし、一切智を達成していないのだ! まさに、わたしがやったことは役に立たない! わが宮殿に帰ろう! カピラヴァットゥの王座はわたしのもので、唯一の王位継承者だ。そしてわたしは大人相(マハープリサ)の特徴をもっているので転輪聖王に確実になるであろう。宮殿で、わたしは美しい妃ヤソーダラーと、まだ生きている母、父、八万人の親族と幸福に暮らすであろう。神のようにすべての贅沢を楽しむことができる。なぜ、わたしはこの森で時を無駄にしなければならないのか?」
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The Bodhisatta continued his quest for Enlightenment. He wandered round the Magadha Country; finally he arrived at the market town of Senāni, with the Uruvelā Forest nearby. When he inspected the forest, he found it to be a lovely and charming spot where the surroundings were quiet and peaceful. Within the forest, flowed the Nerañjarā River with its clean and clear currents; it had a pleasant and smooth sandy
bank, free of mud and mire. Near the forest, there was a village where forest dwelling ascetics could obtain alms-food easily. Having seen all these features, he thought: “Suitable indeed is this place for sons of good families to struggle for Nibbāna.” Accordingly, he resolved to settle down in the Uruvelā Forest, where for six long
years he engaged in an austere practice of ascetism to achieve his spiritual goal.
Encountering the Fearful and Dreadful Feelings
When the Bodhisatta stayed in the Uruvelā Forest, he thought:
“Indeed, it is hard to endure dwelling in a remote jungle-thicket; it is hard to achieve complete seclusion; and it is hard to enjoy living in isolation; for one who has no concentration, the jungles must have robbed his mind.”
“Suppose some ascetic or brahmin is not purified in mental, verbal, bodily action or in his livelihood, is malevolent, with thoughts of sensual desires, thoughts of ill-will, and thoughts of cruelty, is forgetful and not fully aware, unconcentrated and confused in mind, devoid of understanding—when some such an ascetic or brahmin resorts to a remote jungle-thicket abode in the forest, owing to those faults
he evokes unwholesome fear and dread.”
“But I do not resort to a remote jungle-thicket abode in the forest as one of those who are not free from those defects. I resort to a remote jungle-thicket abode in the forest as one of the noble ones who are free from these defects. Seeing in myself this freedom from such defects, I find great solace in living in the forest.”
During his stay there, the Bodhisatta also encountered such feelings as fear and dread: “On the special holy nights of the full-moon or new-moon days, and on the quarter-moon of the eighth, once I spent those nights in the most difficult and frightening orchards, in the jungle-thickets, and under a big tree, witnessing dreadful scenery, incidents and dreams, which made my hair stood on end. And when I dwelt there, a deer would approach me, or a peacock would knock off a branch, or the wind would rustle the leaves. Then I thought: ‘Certainly this is the fear and dread coming’.”
“At such moments, I felt eerie, but then a thought came up in my mind: ‘Why do I dwell in constant expectation of fear and dread? What if I subdue that fear and dread by keeping the posture I am in?’”
“Then, whenever I became frightened while walking, I subdued that fear and dread by keeping on walking, and not by standing, sitting, or lying down. Whenever I became frightened while standing, I subdued that fear and dread by keeping on standing, and not by walking, sitting, or lying down. Whenever I became frightened while sitting, I subdued that fear and dread by keeping on sitting, and not by walking,
standing, or lying down. Whenever I became frightened while lying, I subdued that fear and dread by keeping on lying, and not by walking, standing, or sitting.”
The Group of Five Ascetics (Pañcavaggiyā) Joined the Bodhisatta
It had been about twenty-nine years that Koṇḍañña—the youngest brahmin who foretold that the five-day-old baby Bodhisatta would someday become a Buddha—had been waiting for the day of renunciation of Prince Siddhattha. During that period, he always enquired whether the prince had renounced the world. He had grown quite old by now, but being convinced of his own prediction he was not discouraged waiting, even though his friends, the seven other brahmins, had passed away. Finally, the happy day came when he heard that the prince had gone forth on the full-moon day of Āsāḷha. He immediately approached the four sons of the other brahmins: Vappa, Bhaddiya, Mahānāma and Assaji. He persuaded them to renounce the world together and join the Bodhisatta.
Then, this group of five ascetics began to visit villages and market towns of several kingdoms to look for the Bodhisatta. They finally found him in the Uruvelā Forest. They waited upon him with strong hopes that in no long time, the Bodhisatta, who was engaged in the most severe form of austerities (dukkaracariya), would become a Buddha and would teach them the way to deliverance. While accompanying the Bodhisatta for six years in the Uruvelā Forest, they fulfilled their duties such as sweeping the surrounding place, fetching him hot and cold water, and so on.
The Three Similes of Fire-Making
One day, there arose spontaneously in the Bodhisatta’s mind three similes never heard before. “Just as a man who wants to make fire rubs a fire-kindling stick with
a wet, sappy piece of firewood lying in water, he cannot light a fire because of the wetness of the firewood and because it is lying in water; instead he will only reap weariness and disappointment. Even so, in this world there are ascetics and brahmins who are not detached from sensual desires and from sense-objects, both physically and mentally; although they feel painful, racking, and piercing feelings due to their striving, they will not realise the Path and Fruition, but will only become miserable.” This was the first simile which spontaneously occurred to him, never heard before. This simile signified the type of asceticism called saputtabhariyā-pabbajjā, i.e.
the form of asceticism whereby ascetics and brahmins still lead household lives, with wives and children. “Again, just as a man who wants to make fire rubs a fire-kindling
stick with a wet, sappy piece of firewood lying on land far from water, he still cannot light a fire because of the wetness of the firewood even though it is lying on dry land far from water; instead he will only reap weariness and disappointment. Even so, in this world there are ascetics and brahmins who are physically detached from sensual desires and from sense-objects, but not mentally. Although they feel painful, racking, and piercing feelings due to their striving, they will not realise the Path and Fruition, but will only become miserable.” This was the second simile which spontaneously
occurred to him, never heard before. This simile signified the type of asceticism called brāhmaṇadhammikā-pabbajjā, i.e. the form of asceticism whereby ascetics and brahmins, who have renounced the household lives, their wives and children, devote themselves to the wrong practice. “And again, just as a man who wants to make fire rubs a fire-kindling stick with a dry, sapless piece of firewood lying on land far from
water, he can light a fire and produce heat easily because of the dryness and saplessness of the firewood and because it is lying on dry land far from water. Even so, in this world there are ascetics and brahmins who are completely detached from sensual desires and from sense-objects, both physically and mentally; whether or not they feel painful, racking, and piercing feelings due to their striving, they will in either case realise the Path and Fruition when they follow the correct practice.” This was the third simile which spontaneously occurred to him, never heard before. This simile signified the type of asceticism called Bodhisatta-pabbajjā, practiced by the Bodhisatta himself.
The Practice of Developing the Appāṇaka Jhāna
In the Uruvelā Forest, the Bodhisatta struggled for Enlightenment by practising all of the most severe forms of austerities—called dukkaracariya—which were difficult for ordinary people to practise. He made a strong fourfold determination—called padhāna-viriya—thus: “Let only my skin remain! Let only my sinews remain! Let only my bones remain! Let my flesh and blood dry up!” By this determination, he would not recede even for a second, but would exert the highest effort in the practice.
Then, the following consideration occurred to him: “It would be good if I, with my teeth clenched and my tongue pressed against the palate, were to hold down, subdue and destroy my unwholesome mind with my wholesome mind.”
Thus, just as a strong man might seize a weaker man by the head or shoulders and press him down, even so did he, with his teeth clenched and his tongue pressed against the palate, hold down, subdue and destroy his unwholesome mind with his wholesome mind. While he struggled thus, sweat streamed forth trickling from his armpits.
At that time, instead of slackening in exertion, strenuous effort aroused in him very vigorously. His mindfulness was established and unperturbed. But due to the painful effort, his whole body was overwrought and uncalm. Although such painful feelings arose in Him, his willingness to pursue the struggle remained unflinching.
Then, the Bodhisatta thought thus: “What if I were to develop the appāṇaka jhāna by non-breathing meditation!”
Accordingly, with strenuous effort he stopped inhalation and exhalation through his mouth and nose. Having no chance to come in or to go out, the air escaped through the ears creating an exceedingly loud noise. Just as a blacksmith’s bellows being blown made an exceedingly loud noise, even so was the noise created by the air
coming from his ears.
Again, it occurred to him: “What if I were to develop the appāṇaka jhāna again!”
Accordingly, with strenuous effort he stopped inhalation and exhalation through his mouth, nose and ears. Having no chance to escape through the mouth, the nose, and the ears, the winds racked his head battering and piercing it. Just as if a strong man were to bore one’s head with a sharp and pointed drill, even so did the air rack
his head with great violence.
And again, it occurred to him: “What if I were to go on developing the appāṇaka jhāna!”
Accordingly, with strenuous effort he stopped inhalation and exhalation through his mouth, nose and ears as before. When he did so, terrible pains arose in his head, just as if a strong man put a tough leather strap around his head as head-band, and then that man twisted it with a stick to tighten it up.
Still again, it occurred to him: “What if I were still to go on developing the appāṇaka jhāna!”
Accordingly, with strenuous effort he stopped inhalation and exhalation through his mouth, nose and ears as before. Thereupon, violent winds carved up his belly, as if a clever butcher or his apprentice carves up an ox’s belly with a sharp knife, even so plentiful air pierced his belly.
Once more, it occurred to him: “What if I were still to go on developing the appāṇaka jhāna!”
Accordingly, with strenuous effort he stopped inhalation and exhalation through his mouth, nose and ears as before. When he did so, the whole of his body suffered from a violent burning ḍāharoga, ‘burning disease’, just as if two strong men had seized a weaker man by both arms and were roasting him over a pit of live coals.
Thus, each time he cultivated the appāṇaka jhāna harder and harder, his effort kept strenuously arising. So was his mindfulness established and unperturbed. However, due to the painful effort his whole body was overwrought and uncalm. Although such painful feelings arose in him, his willingness to pursue the struggle remained unflinching.
His whole body was afflicted with heat so intense that while he was walking, he fell down fainting into a sitting posture. At that time, the devas who saw him falling down in this manner said: “Samaṇa Gotama is dead.” Other devas said: “Samaṇa Gotama is not dead, but he is dying.” Still other devas said: “Samaṇa Gotama is neither dead nor dying. Samaṇa Gotama is an Arahant, a Worthy One, for such is the way in which an Arahant abides.”
The Practice of Taking Little Food
After he fainted for a few moments, his consciousness recovered. So did his energy and mindfulness. He then took long in-breaths and out-breaths for several times in order to make his body a bit fresh. Afterwards, he rose and went to his seat under a tree. At that moment, he thought: “What if I were to practise complete abstinence from food!”
Thereupon, some devas approached him and said: “O noble samaṇa, do not practise complete abstinence from food! If you entirely cut off food, we shall inject divine food through your pores; with that food you will be sustained.”
Having heard what the devas would do to him, the Bodhisatta thought: “If I decide not to take food at all, and these devas were to inject divine food through my pores, and I am sustained thereby, then I shall be lying.” So he refused them, saying: “There is no need.”
Then it occurred to him such thought: “It would be good if I take food little by little for one day’s meal, say, a handful of bean soup, or a handful of grain soup, or a handful of lentil soup, or a handful of pea soup!”
And as he did so, his body gradually became thinner and thinner and reached a state of extreme emaciation. Due to lack of nourishment, the joints in his body and limbs protruded like the joints of knot-grasses or bulrushes (the grass or creeper called Āsītika and Kāḷa). His hips became like a camel’s hooves, and the anus was depressed; his spine stood forth like a string of big beads; as the flesh between his ribs sunk down, the ribs jutted out like the rafters of an old house; his eyeballs sunk far down in their sockets, just like two stars seen in a deep well; the skin of his head shrivelled and withered as a green gourd shrivelled and withered in the wind and sun.
If he touched his belly’s skin, he would touch his backbone too; and if he touched his backbone, he would touch his belly’s skin, too; and so his belly’s skin cleaved to his backbone due to lack of sustenance. When he was squatting to pass excreta, just one or two hardened balls the size of betel nuts were discharged with difficulty; and the urine also did not come out at all as there was not enough liquid food in the belly to turn into urine; so weak was his body that in doing thus, he toppled and fell down on the very spot with his face downwards. If he rubbed his limbs with his hands in order to soothe his body, the body-hairs which were rotten at the root fell away from his body due to under-nourishment from the flesh and blood.
At that time, the people who saw him said: “Samaṇa Gotama is of black complexion.” Others said: “Samaṇa Gotama is not black, his complexion is brown.” Some others said: “Samaṇa Gotama is neither black nor brown, his complexion is tawny.” So much had the bright yellow colour of his complexion deteriorated through eating so little.
One day, when he was walking up and down, once again he fainted, falling down with his face downward due to his body being afflicted by unbearable heat and not having enough nourishment. The people residing near the Uruvelā Forest knew that the Bodhisatta had hardly eaten anything for many days. At that time, a shepherd boy happened to pass by the place where the Bodhisatta fell down. He surmised that the
Bodhisatta was about to die because he had fasted too much. The shepherd boy immediately approached him and tried to wake him up. After the Bodhisatta was conscious again, the shepherd boy put the Bodhisatta’s head on his lap and fed him with goat’s milk. The Bodhisatta conveyed his gratefulness to shepherd boy and blessed him for his health and happiness.
Subjugating the Ten Armies of Māra (Dasa Māra Senā)
After six years, the Bodhisatta came to a critical stage; he was almost on the verge of death. However, he was still intent on the highest exertion (padhāna) by repeatedly developing the appāṇaka jhāna in the Uruvelā Forest near the Nerañjarā River.
Reading this situation, Namuci immediately approached him with a pretense of goodwill and pity, saying: “O noble prince, now you have become very thin; you have lost the glory of your body; much deteriorated is your body; your death is coming very close; only one against one thousand is the chance of your remaining alive. Live, O oble prince! Life is the better way. If you live long, you can perform meritorious deeds. You can lead a holy life and make sacrificial rites, and thus much merit you could gain. What is the use of this austerity practice? Hard to bear is this old path! Difficult to achieve is your goal! And without certainty is this practice! Indeed, it is not feasible to tread along such a way!”
In replying to Māra’s enticement, the Bodhisatta boldly said thus: “O Evil One, you, who always bind up sentient beings in the cycle of saṁsāra, you who always hinder sentient beings from their liberation; you have come here only for your own benefit.”
“I do not need even an iota of merit which leads to the cycle of suffering. Māra, only to those who are yearning for such merit, may you allure them thus.”
“Firm is my faith (saddhā) that I shall surely realise Nibbāna soon. Exuberant is my perseverance (viriya), capable of burning into ash the grassy rubbish of defilements. Incomparable is my wisdom (paññā), able to crush the rocky mountain of dark ignorance (avijjā) into pieces. Great is my mindfulness (sati), which leads me to become a Buddha, free from heedlessness. Unshaken is my concentration (samādhi), like Mount Meru, which does not sway in a storm.”
“O Māra, this wind in my body, caused by my exertion in developing the appāṇaka jhāna, could dry up the streams of the Gaṅgā, Yamunā, Aciravatī, Sarabhū, and Mahī Rivers. So while I am thus striving, why would it not be capable of drying up the little blood in me, whose mind has been directed to Nibbāna?”
“If the blood dries up, then the bile, the phlegm, the urine and nutritive elements dry up; and so will the flesh be certainly exhausted. But although the blood, the bile, the phlegm, the urine and the flesh in me are all gone in this way, my mind becomes even clearer; so do my mindfulness, my wisdom, and my concentration become even more developed and steadfast.”
“Though I am experiencing the utmost pain, though my whole body has dried up to the point of almost emitting flames, and though I am thereby thoroughly exhausted, my mind is never deviated by sensual lust. O Māra, what you see is the purity and uprightness of the incomparable man, who has fulfilled the Perfections.”
“Your first army is sense-desires (kāma). The second is aversion for holy life (arati). The third is hunger and thirst (khuppīpāsā). The fourth is craving (taṇhā). The fifth is sloth and torpor (thīna-middha), while fear (bhīru) lines up as the sixth. Doubt (vicikicchā) is the seventh. The eighth is malice, paired with obstinacy (makkha-thambha). The ninth is gain ((lābha), fame (siloka), honour (sakkāra). The tenth is extolling of oneself (attukkaṁsana) and denigrating others (paravambhana).
“Namuci, these are your ten armies which, by force, prevent the liberation of humans, devas and brahmās from the rounds of suffering. None but the brave, who possess great faith, will, energy and wisdom, can conquer them. This victory will bring about the bliss of the Path, Fruition and Nibbāna.”
“I wear muñja grass as a token that I would not retreat. It will be shameful, ruinous, and disreputable if I have to withdraw from the battle and be defeated by you and remain alive in this world. It is far better to die in the battle field than to concede defeat to your force.”
“In this world, there are ascetics and brahmins who went to the battle field of kilesa, but without strength they are overpowered by your tenfold army. They are like those who, without light, happen to have entered into darkness. They neither know nor tread the path of the virtuous.”
“O Māra, though you have arrayed your armies on all side, not even the slightest fear I have. Here, I go forth to fight you. You shall not drive me from my position. Your armies—which the world, with all its gods, cannot conquer—I shall now destroy with my wisdom, just as a stone breaks a raw clay pot.”
On hearing the valiant words thus spoken by the Bodhisatta, Māra departed from that place, unable to utter a word in reply.
Considering Another Way to Enlightenment
In one afternoon, the Bodhisatta reflected that he revived and felt better—after fainting on the previous day—thanks to the goat’s milk given by the shepherd boy. Else, he might have died. When he was reflecting thus, a group of singing girls, on their way to the city, crossed nearby the place where he was meditating. While walking, they were singing: “…if we tuned the lute’s strings too loose, it would not
produce sound. If we tuned the strings too tight, they would break apart. If the strings were tuned neither too loose nor too tight, the lute would sound sweet.”
His heart was deeply moved by the verses sung by the girls. He had indulged too much in sensual pleasures with all the luxuries when he was still living in the palace. Just as if the lute’s strings were tuned too loose, even so Enlightenment could not be realised through self-indulgence. And also, he had practised asceticism so strictly
that he was nearly dead. Just as if the lute’s strings were tuned too tight, even so Enlightenment could not be attained through self-mortification.
It was about the first waxing day of Vesākha, 588 B.C., when it occurred to the Bodhisatta thus: “In their practice of austerity, the ascetics or brahmins of the past could have gone through only this much pain and hardship at most; they could not have gone through more hardship than what I am enduring. So is it the same with the ascetics or brahmins of the future, and those of the present. But by this strenuous practice of self-mortification, I have attained no distinction higher than the human state, worthy of the noble ones’ knowledge and vision. Might there be another way to Enlightenment?”
Then, he recollected that when he was child, on the auspicious day of “Royal Ploughing Festival” performed by his father King Suddhodana he had been left by his royal attendants. At that time, he sat under the cool shade of a rose-apple tree; he was quite secluded from sensual desires and from unwholesome things. Then, he developed the ānāpāna bhāvanā and attained the first rūpāvacara jhāna, accompanied with thinking and exploring, with happiness and pleasure born of seclusion. Thereupon, he recognised: “Well, this is the way to Enlightenment.”
He further reflected: “Why should I be afraid of such pleasure? It is a bliss which arises purely from renunciation (nekkhamma) and is entirely detached from sensual pleasures. I am certainly not afraid of the jhānic bliss of the ānāpāna bhāvanā”
Then again, he continued to reflect: “It is impossible to develop and get such attainment of the ānāpāna bhāvanā with a body so emaciated.
It would be good if I eat some solid food, coarse food, such as boiled rice and bread to revive my emaciated body before I endeavour in this practice.”
Having considered thus, from then on the Bodhisatta went on alms-round to the market town of Senāni and ate every morning. By doing so, he sustained his withered and emaciated body. Within two or three days, he regained his strength, and the major physical characteristics of a Mahāpurisa—which had disappeared at the time of
practising dukkaracariya—reappeared distinctly.
The Group of Five Ascetics Left the Bodhisatta
The five ascetics, who were attending upon the Bodhisatta for six years with great hopes, had been thinking: “Whatever truth which the Bodhisatta has realised, he will impart it to us.” But now, when they saw the Bodhisatta changing his method by taking whatever coarse food offered to him, they became disgusted with him, grumbling: “The Bodhisatta has become self-indulgent; he has given up the struggle and reverted to luxury.”
Thereafter, the five ascetics left him and went to Migadāya, the Deer Park, in Isipatana, near Bārāṇasī (Benares). When the attendant ascetics had abandoned him, the Bodhisatta lived a solitary life in the Uruvelā Forest. Though their presence during his great struggle was helpful, but he was not discouraged of being alone now; instead it was advantageous to him. He gained a considerable degree of solitude
conducive to attaining extraordinary progress and strengthening his mental concentration.
The Bodhisatta engaged in dukkaracariya not only for days or months, but for six long years consecutively. So severe and strict was his practice that his muscles and sinews shrivelled, his blood dried up, and his eyes sunk owing to lack of nourishment; and the golden colour of his skin was blackened owing to the heat produced in his body. Thus, what one could see was only bones and skin—a living skeleton. No other ascetics could surpass him in the practice of asceticism. And
although he experienced all those difficulties and pains, he never bewailed them. Even more extraordinary was his face, which was skinny but always looked smiling, as though he was not afflicted by any pain.
During that hard time, there had never come up to his mind such a thought: “This long have I exerted all my strength and ability; and this long have I endured all, even the severest pain, but omniscience have I not attained! Useless indeed what I have done! I shall go back to my palace! The throne of Kapilavatthu is mine as I am the only inheritor, and I will surely be a Universal Monarch as I have the characteristics of a Mahāpurisa. In the palace, I will live happily with my beautiful wife-princess Yasodharā, and also with my mother, father, and eighty thousand relatives, who are still alive. I can enjoy all the luxuries like a deva. Why should I waste my time here in the forest?” There had never been the slightest thought in him for an easy and self-indulging life.
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奥田 昭則

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