23話 最初の説法 ・・・・「転法輪経」

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第1章 初転法輪
23話 最初の説法 ・・・・ 「転法輪経」
「まず、誰に、わたしは真理(ダンマ)を最初に教えるのだろうか? 誰がこの真理(ダンマ)をすぐ理解するだろうか?」
「あなたの挙措動作は落ちつきがあって穏やかです、友よ。あなたのお顔は冴えざえとして明るい。どなたのもとで修行されたのですか? あなたの師は誰ですか? 誰の教えを信仰されているのですか?」
「見ろ、友よ! ゴータマ行者がやってくるぞ。かれは苦しい修行を放棄して、放逸になってしまい、安易で気楽な生活に逆戻りした。話しかけるのはやめよう。そしてお辞儀するのさえやめよう! かれの鉢と外衣を受けとる必要はない。そればかりか席を用意することもない。坐りたければ坐ってもいいが、さもなければ立たせておけばいい! かれみたいなだらしない行者に仕えて、誰が喜ぶだろうか?」
「おお五群(パンチャヴァッギヤー)たちよ、わたしに、名前であるとか『友よ(アーヴソー)』とか、呼びかけてはならない! わたしは修行を完成し、完全にさとりをひらいた。聴け、おお五群(パンチャヴァッギヤー)たちよ、わたしは不死を実現したのだ。わたしはそなたたちに真理を教え、示すであろう。もし、そなたたちがわたしの教えに従い、実践するなら、そなたたちはすぐにも聖なる修行の究極の目的を実現し、まさにこの生存で、生と死を超越するであろう」
「わたしは苦しい修行を放棄していないし、安楽で快適に暮らしてもいない。よく聴きなさい! わたしは不死を実現したのだ。わたしはそなたたちに真理を教え、示すであろう。もし、そなたたちがわたしの教えに従い、実践するなら、そなたたちはすぐにも聖なる修行の究極の目的を実現し、まさにこの生存で、生と死を超越するであろう」
世尊は最初の説法をした。真理の輪(法輪)を回し(転じ)始める説法「転法(ダンマチャッカ)輪経(パヴァッタナ スッタ)」である。この説法のなかで、世尊は五人の行者に、二つの極端な修行があり、それはわがままな快楽行と、みずから苦難を求める苦行で、世を捨てている者は両方とも避けるべきである、と説かれた。世尊は中道の実践を指示されたのだ。八つの要素からなる「聖(アリヤ)なる八支の道(アッタンギカ マッガ)(八正道)」である。世尊はまた「四聖諦(チャッターリ アリヤ サッチャーニ)」を三転十二行相(訳注:四聖諦それぞれに示転、勧転、証転の三種の観察を合計十二回行う。理論的な理解の示転、その実践の勧転、そして、その体得の証転によって如実知見を実現する)とともに説かれた。
(Yaṃ kiñci samudayadhammaṃ sabbaṃ taṃ nirodhadhammaṃ)
かくてかれは説法の終わりに四聖諦を洞察し、さとりの最初の階梯である預流(ソーターパッティ)に達したのである。それゆえ、かれはまた「さとった(アンニャータ)コンダンニャ」として知られた。そのとき、かれは世尊の許しを求め、仏弟子としての出家(具足戒(ウパサンパダー))を懇願した。それに応じて世尊は戒を授け「来たれ、比丘よ! 法(ダンマ)はよく説かれた。聖なる清浄行をして苦の完全な滅尽に導け」と説かれた。このようにしてかれはブッダの教え(サーサナー)で「来たれ(エーヒ)比丘(ビック)具足戒(ウパサンパダー)」(善来比丘具足戒)によって最初の比丘となったのである。
五比丘が預流者として確立したあと、世尊は五日目に「無我相経(アナッタラッカナ スッタ)」を説かれた。世尊と、高貴な五比丘のあいだの問答を解説したものだ。その核心は、世尊が色(ルーパ)受(ヴェーダナー)想(サンニャー)行(サンカーラー)識(ヴィンニャーナ)の五蘊は無常である、そして無常は苦(ドゥッカ)(不満足)である、と述べられたのである。それから、これら無常、苦であるどんなものも変化していくもので、正しい理解(正知)によって次のようにありのまま見るべきである、と。
「これは、わたしのものではない。 (n’etaṃ mama)
これは、わたしではない。 (n’eso’ hamasmi)
これは、わたしそのものではない。(na m’eso attā)」
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Episode 23
A Request to Teach the Dhamma
When the two merchant brothers had gone away, the Blessed One rose from His seat under the rājāyatana tree and went to the ajapāla banyan tree. Then, such a thought arose in him: “This Dhamma that I have comprehended is profound, it is indeed subtle and hard to see; it is not attainable by mere ratiocination; it can be discerned only by the wise. It is indeed hard for such a generation who finds delight in attachment to discern this Dhamma, the extinction of all conditioned things, Nibbāna. If I were to teach the Dhamma to such devas and humans, they would not see or understand. To teach the Dhamma to such devas and humans will be only tiresome and troublesome for me.”
Knowing the Blessed One’s mind, Brahmā Sahampati thought: “The world
will be lost; the world will be utterly lost, for the Blessed One does not intend to teach the Dhamma to sentient beings.”
Then, just as a strong man might stretch out his bent arm or bend his
outstretched arm, he vanished from the brahmā world and instantly appeared before the Blessed One. Having arranged his robe on one shoulder and placed his right knee on the ground, he paid homage to the Blessed One by raising his clasped hands and said: “Lord, may the Blessed One teach the Dhamma to all sentient beings, humans, devas and brahmās. May the Sublime One, out of compassion, teach the Dhamma to
all sentient beings, humans, devas and brahmās. There are beings, with little dust on their eyes, who will suffer a great loss by not listening to the Dhamma of the Blessed One. There are those who can comprehend the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One.”
The Blessed One listened to Brahmā Sahampati‘s pleading. And out of great compassion, He surveyed the world with the eye of a Buddha. He clearly saw that there were some individuals who could understand the Dhamma, even though it were expounded in a brief outline—just as among the various kinds of lotuses in a pond, some would stand aloft above the water and would bloom forth that very day after being touched by the morning sunshine. The Blessed One also saw some individuals who could understand the Dhamma after being taught and explained in detail—just as some lotuses which are afloat on the water surface would bloom forth the next day. Again, the Blessed One saw some individuals who could understand the Dhamma by being taught by competent teachers and after applying themselves persistently on the
practice and to the realisation of the Dhamma for days or months or years—just as some lotuses which were still submerged under the water, but would bloom forth on the third day. And again, the Blessed One saw some individuals who would never realise the Dhamma in this present life however much they listened to and practised the Dhamma, but they would gain the benefits in the future existence—just as some lotuses, which kept submerged under the water and neither rose from the water
nor bloomed forth, would eventually become the food for fish and tortoises.
Having seen these four kinds of individuals, the Blessed One developed an ardent desire to propagate the Dhamma. Thereafter, He expressed His approval by saying: “The doors to the deathless Nibbāna are now open. I would expound the Dhamma to all sentient beings so that they who have faith and good hearing may get the benefit equally.”
Meeting with the Wandering Ascetic Upaka
Then The Blessed One, after accepting the request to teach the Dhamma, considered: “To whom shall I first teach the Dhamma? Who will soon understand this Dhamma?” Then He thought: “Āḷāra Kālāma is wise, learned and discerning. He also has little dust on his eyes for a long time. If I taught the Dhamma first to him, he will soon understand it.” But then an invisible deva told the Blessed One: “Lord, Āḷāra
Kālāma died seven days ago.” He soon learnt that it was so.
Then, the Blessed One thought of His other teacher, Uddaka Rāmaputta, but again that invisible deva came and told Him that he died last night. Having perceived that it was so, He thought that it was a great loss for both of His former teachers because if they had heard the Dhamma, they would have soon understood it.
Finally, the Blessed One thought of the five ascetics who attended upon Him while He was engaged in the practice of austerity in the Uruvelā Forest. And with His divine eye, purified and surpassing the human vision, He learnt that they were dwelling in the Deer Park at Isipatana, the Resort of the Seers, near Bārāṇasī (Benares). Thus, after staying at Uruvelā as long as He wished, He walked to Bārāṇasī,
which was eighteen yojanas away.
On the way, between the Bodhi tree and Gayā, the Blessed One met a wandering ascetic named Upaka. On seeing the appearance of the Blessed One, he was amazed and asked: “Your faculties are serene, friend. Your complexion clear and bright. Under whom have You gone forth? Who is Your teacher? Whose doctrine do You profess?”
When this was said, the Blessed One replied:
“I have transcended all, so have I all known.
I am detached from all things, so have I all renounced.
I have abandoned all cravings and I am established securely in Nibbāna.
By My own wisdom have I comprehended all. Whom should I call My teacher?”
“I have no teacher. There is no one equal to Me.
In the world with its devas, there is no person for My peer.
I am an Arahant in this world.
I am the Teacher of humans and devas, incomparable and excellent.
I am the Supremely Self-Enlightened One.
Fire of defilements have I extinguished.
I go to the City of Kāsi now to set the Wheel of Dhamma in motion.
In this blindfolded world, I shall go and beat the Drum of Deathlessness.”
On hearing the Blessed One’s utterances, the ascetic Upaka enquired:
“If what You say is true, then friend, do You claim yourself a Limitless Conqueror?”
Then the Blessed One replied: “The conquerors like Me, Upaka, are those who have attained the extinction of defilements. I have conquered all states of evil. It is for that I am called a Conqueror.”
Thereupon, the ascetic Upaka remarked: “It may be so, friend!” He nodded his head, took a side track and departed.
Meeting With the Five Ascetics
After the dialogue with Upaka, the Blessed One continued his journey by stages to Bārāṇasī. In the cool evening of a full-moon day of Āsāḷha, in the year 588 B.C., He arrived in Migadāya, the huge Deer Park at Isipatana.
Then, when the five ascetics (Pañcavaggiyā) saw the Blessed One coming, they agreed among themselves: “Friends, look! The ascetic Gotama is coming. He has given up the struggle, became self-indulgent and reverted to an easy and comfortable life. Let’s not speak to Him nor even pay respect to Him! It is not necessary for us to receive His bowl and His outer robe. Nevertheless, a seat can be prepared. He may
sit there if He so wishes, otherwise let Him stand! Who would be pleased to attend upon a lax ascetic like Him?”
But when the Blessed One was getting nearer and nearer, they began to notice that He did not look like the ascetic Gotama whom they had attended upon in the Uruvelā Forest for six years. They found that His body was incomparably brilliant, and they also felt such a serene and peaceful impression coming from Him. None of them knew what was happening as they were unable to keep their agreement. They
immediately rose up. One of them approached Him by taking His bowl and outer robe; another prepared a seat; the others set out water, footstool and towel for washing His feet. And after the Blessed One sat down, they paid respect and greeted Him: “Friend (āvuso)!”
Then, the Blessed One told them: “O Pañcavaggiyā, do not address me by name or as ‘āvuso’! I have been accomplished and fully Enlightened. Listen, O Pañcavaggiyā, I have realised the Deathlessness. I shall instruct and teach you the Dhamma. If you follow and practise according to My instruction, you will soon realise the supreme goal of the holy life and transcend birth and death in this very life.”
Thereupon, the five ascetics replied: “Friend Gotama, even with the most difficult practice of austerity which You had done, You achieved no distinction higher than the human state worthy of the noble ones’ knowledge and vision. How is it possible that You, after giving up the struggle, being self-indulgent and living in ease and comfort, attain such a high state?”
Then, the Blessed One replied: “I am neither giving up the struggle, nor am I being self-indulgent and living in ease and comfort. Listen attentively! I have realised the Deathlessness. I shall instruct and teach you the Dhamma. If you follow and practise according to My instruction, you will soon realise the supreme goal of the holy life and transcend birth and death in this very life.”
For the second and the third time, the five ascetics said the same thing to Him, and everytime the Blessed One gave the same answer. Finally, the Blessed One asked: “Pañcavaggiyā, have you ever known Me to speak like this before?”
“No, Lord,” the five ascetics admitted. Thus, they were convinced by the Blessed One. Then, they sat down in silence, ready to receive instruction from Him.
The First Five Disciples
The Blessed One delivered His first discourse, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (The Discourse on Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion). In this discourse, the Blessed One expounded to the five ascetics that there are two extremes—self-indulgence and self-mortification—which should be avoided by one who has renounced the world. He showed the practice of the middle path consisting of
eight factors, the Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya Aṭṭhaṅgika Magga). He also expounded the Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariya Saccāni), with their three aspects and twelve modes.
The five ascetics listened attentively and opened their hearts to His Teachings. And while this discourse was being delivered, the spotless and immaculate vision of the Dhamma arose in Koṇḍañña. He comprehended: “Whatever is subject to arising is destined to cease (yaṁ kiñci samudayadhammaṁ sabbaṁ taṁ nirodhadhammaṁ).” Thus, he penetrated the Four Noble Truths and attained the first stage of sainthood (Sotāpatti) at the end of the discourse. Therefore, he was also known as Aññāta Koṇḍañña—Koṇḍañña who knows. Then, he asked for higher ordination (upasampadā) under the Blessed One. Accordingly, the Blessed One ordained him, saying: “Come, bhikkhu! The Dhamma is well proclaimed. Lead the holy life for the complete ending of suffering.” Thus, he became the first bhikkhu in the Buddha Sāsanā by way of the
Ehi Bhikkhu Upasampadā ordination.
Subsequently, while the other three went on for alms-round, the Blessed One taught and instructed Vappa and Bhaddiya on the Dhamma. They were purified and attained the stage of Sotāpatti. Immediately, they requested to be ordained as bhikkhus under Him. In the following day, Mahānāma and Assaji also penetrated the Dhamma and became Sotāpannas. And without delay, they also asked for higher ordination from the Blessed One and became bhikkhus. Thus, the five ascetics
became His first five bhikkhu disciples, also known as the “Pañcavaggiyā Bhikkhūs”. Since then, the Order of Bhikkhus—the “Bhikkhu Saṁgha”—was established.
According to the Commentary, Vappa attained the Fruition of Sotāpatti and was ordained as a bhikkhu on the first day of the waning moon of Sāvana; Bhaddiya on the second day; Mahānāma on the third day; and Assaji on the fourth day.
After the five bhikkhus were established as Sotāpannas, on the fifth day the Blessed One delivered the Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta (The Discourse on the Non-Self Characteristics), expounded as questions and answers between the Blessed One and His five noble disciples. In essence, He mentioned that corporeality (rūpa), feeling (vedanā), perception (saññā), mental formations (saṅkhārā), and consciousness (viññāṇa) are impermanent; and what is impermanent is unsatisfactory (dukkha). Then, any of these—which are impermanent, unsatisfactory, and subject to change—should be seen as they really are by right understanding: “This is not mine (n’etaṁ mama); this is not I (n’eso’hamasmi); this is not my self (na m’eso attā).”
On hearing His words, the five bhikkhus were glad and delighted. And when the Blessed One expounded this discourse, their minds were liberated from defilements, without clinging; they reached the stage of Arahantship.
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奥田 昭則

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