24話 ヤサの出家 ・・・・ 伝道布教へ

第3部 法輪を転じる~伝道布教へ
第1章 初転法輪
24話 ヤサの出家 ・・・・ 伝道布教へ
ある夜、ヤサが娯楽を楽しんでいる最中、まだ夜は浅かったが、疲れを感じ、眠りに落ちた。これを知って踊り子、歌い手、音楽演奏者たちの誰も上演をやめ、眠ってしまった。しかし会場は夜通しずっと油の灯明で照らされていた。それで、ヤサが早朝に眠りから覚めたとき、会場の床いっぱいに侍女たちが見苦しい格好で寝ているのを見てしまった。かれは嫌悪感に打ちのめされた。かれの大きな宮殿が、まるで死体置き場のように見えたのである。そんな恐ろしい現象に胸を打たれ、黄金のサンダルをはいて宮殿を離れ、「おお、じつに悩ましい! おお、じつに煩わしい!」と嘆いた。
ヤサは仙人集会所(イシパタナ)の鹿野苑(ミガダーヤ)へ歩いて行ったが、そこでは世尊が、五比丘と雨季の滞在(雨安居)をしていた。朝はまだ早く、世尊は空き地で行きつ戻りつして歩く冥想をしていた。ヤサが世尊に近づいたとき、かれはまた「おお、じつに悩ましい! おお、じつに煩わしい!」と嘆いた。
「おお、ヤサよ、ここには悩ましいものはない。ここには煩わしいものはない。ヤサよ、ここへ来て、坐りなさい! 法(ダンマ)を説いてあげよう」
ヤサは喜び、世尊の発せられた、悩ましいもの、煩わしいものがない、という言葉にうれしくなった。それからかれは黄金のサンダルを脱いで、世尊に近づいた。世尊に礼拝し、かたわらに坐った。世尊はそのとき次第説法(アヌプッビ カター)を説かれた。寛大な布施の法話(施論(ダーナ カター))、道徳の法話(戒論(シーラ カター))、天上の住まいのような幸福な運命の法話(先天論(サッガ カター))、官能の快楽の危険、虚栄、汚染の法話(愛欲不利益論(カーマーディーナヴァ カター))、世俗放棄、出家の祝福の法話(離欲利益論(ネッカンマーニサンサ カター))である。
「どうぞ、ここに坐りなさい! ここに坐っているあいだに、あなたの息子も、ここに坐っているのを見ることができるでしょう」
「偉大なる尊い方よ! 偉大なる尊い方よ! 法が、世尊によって、さまざまなやり方で明らかにされました。まるで世尊は、顚倒を正しく直し、隠されていたものを露わにし、迷っている者に道を示し、暗闇の中でもののかたちが見えない者たちに灯明を掲げて見えるようにされました。わたしは仏法僧に帰依致します。尊い方よ、世尊がわたしを、きょうから命終わるまで、在家の仏弟子として受けいれてくださいますように」
かくてヤサの父は、三帰依(テーヴァーチカ サラナガマナ)した最初の在家の仏弟子となったのである。
「比丘たちよ、わたしは生きとし生けるもの、神々や人々を縛っている一切の束縛から解脱した。さあ行け、比丘たちよ、多くの者たちの繁栄と、多くの者たちの幸福のために、この世への憐れみから、神々と人々の利益、繁栄と幸福のために、二人で一つの道を行くことなかれ! 出だしがすばらしく、途中がすばらしく、結末がすばらしい意義と修辞の両方がそなわった教えを説け。聖なる生活を、ひとえに完全で純粋な修行を、しっかり顕現せよ。この世には眼に塵埃がほとんどない人々もいるが、かれらは法を聴かないがゆえに堕落してしまうであろう。法を理解する人々はいるであろう。わたしは、比丘たちよ、セーナーニのウルヴェーラーへ行って法を説くであろう」
※ 画像やテキストの無断使用はご遠慮ください。/ All rights reserved.
Yasa, the Rich Merchant’s Son
There lived in Bārāṇasī a rich merchant’s son named Yasa. He was the son of Sujātā of Senānigama, who offered milk-rice to the Bodhisatta on the day before His Enlightenment and who was the wife of a rich merchant of Bārāṇasī. Yasa was delicately nurtured since his childhood. His parents had three mansions built for him: one for the summer, one for the rainy season, and another one for the winter.
At that time, Yasa was staying in the mansion for the rainy season. He was accompanied by female attendants skilled in dancing, playing music and singing. They would entertain him any time he wished. Thus, Yasa was enjoying a lot of sensual pleasures inside his mansion without even needing to go out.
One night while Yasa was enjoying the entertainments, he felt tired and fell asleep even though the night was still young. Knowing this, all the dancers, singers, and musicians stopped playing and fell asleep, too. But, the hall was kept illuminated by the oil lamps throughout the night. Then, when Yasa woke up from his sleep early in the morning, he saw his attendants sleeping all over the floor in improper postures. He was overwhelmed by repulsion. He found that his grand mansion looked more like a charnel ground. Struck with such dreadful phenomena, he put on his golden slippers and left the mansion, exclaiming: “O, I am distressed! O, I am oppressed!”
Yasa walked to the Deer Park at Isipatana, where the Blessed One and the five bhikkhus stayed for the rainy season. In that early morning, the Blessed One was pacing up and down in the open space. When Yasa was getting near to Him, he again exclaimed: “O, I am distressed! O, I am oppressed!”
Then, the Blessed One said: “O Yasa, there is no distress here. There is no oppression here. Come and sit down here, Yasa! I will teach you the Dhamma.”
Yasa was pleased and delighted with the words uttered by the Blessed One that there was neither distress nor oppression there. Then, he took off his golden slippers and approached the Blessed One. After paying respect to Him, he sat down at one side. The Blessed One then instructed him with the progressive discourse (ānupubbikathā)—talk on generosity (dāna kathā), morality (sīla kathā), happy destiny such as celestial abodes (sagga kathā), the dangers, vanity and defilement in
sensual pleasures (kāmādīnava kathā), and the blessings in renunciation (nekkhammānisaṁsa kathā).
Yasa listened to the Dhamma attentively. And when his mind was ready, receptive, free from hindrance, eager and trustful, the Blessed One expounded the Four Noble Truths. At the end of the Dhamma talk, Yasa attained the realization of the Dhamma and became a Sotāpanna.
Yasa’s Father Took The Triple Refuge
In the morning, Sujātā—Yasa’s mother—could not find her son in the mansion and became worried. She told the matter to her husband, who hurriedly sent out his men in all the four directions to search for his son; he himself went to the Deer Park by following the prints of golden slippers on the ground.
Seeing Yasa’s father from a distance, by supernormal power the Blessed One made Yasa invisible to him. When the rich merchant came and respectfully asked the Blessed One whether He had seen his son, He replied: “Please, sit down here! While you are sitting here, you will be able to see your son sitting here, too.”
Thereupon, the Blessed One taught him the progressive discourse and the Four Noble Truths as He had done to Yasa. At the end of the preaching, Yasa’s father attained the realization of the Dhamma and became a Sotāpanna. Thereafter, he exclaimed: “Magnificent, Lord! Magnificent, Lord! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by the Blessed One, as though He were righting the overthrown, or revealing the hidden, or showing the way to one who is lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyes to see visible forms. I take refuge in the Blessed One and in the Dhamma and in the Order of Bhikkhus. Lord, may the Blessed One count me as a lay disciple who has taken refuge from today till the end of my life.” Thus, Yasa’s father became the first lay disciple who took refuge in the Triple Refuge (Tevācikasaraṇagamaṇa).
While the Dhamma was being taught to his father, Yasa realised the three higher Paths (Magga) and became an Arahant, free from all defilements. Then, the Blessed One withdrew His supernormal power so that Yasa’s father could see his son sitting next to him. Knowing that Yasa would never slip down to household life and indulge in sensual pleasures any longer, the rich merchant invited the Blessed One—with
Yasa as His attendant—and His disciples for that day’s meal.
Soon after his father had left, Yasa respectfully asked for the going forth (pabbajjā) and the higher ordination from the Blessed One. Thus, the Venerable Yasa became a bhikkhu, and at that time there were seven Arahants in the world.
The First Lay Woman Disciples Took the Triple Refuge
When morning came, the Blessed One, accompanied with His six disciples, went to the rich merchant’s house fulfilling the invitation. Yasa’s mother and former wife approached the Blessed One, and after paying homage to Him they sat down at suitable place. Then, the Blessed One taught them the Dhamma as He had done to Yasa and his father. At the end of the talk, Yasa’s mother and former wife penetrated the Dhamma and became Sotāpannas. Thereafter, they took the Blessed One, the Dhamma, and the Saṁgha for refuge. Thus, they became the first lay woman disciples established in the Triple Refuge.
Yasa’s Friends Joined the Saṁgha
The Venerable Yasa had four intimate friends, named Vimala, Subāhu, Puṇṇaji and Gavampati, who were sons of leading merchant families in Bārāṇasī. When they heard that Yasa had shaved off his hair and beard, put on yellow robe, and renounced the world, they believed that the Doctrine and Discipline (Dhamma-Vinaya) of the Blessed One could not be inferior. Then, having approached the Venerable Yasa, they were introduced by him to the Blessed One. After the Blessed One had given instruction to them, their minds were liberated from all defilements, and they became Arahants. Thereafter, they received the going forth and the higher ordination as they so wished.
In the countryside, there lived fifty of the Venerable Yasa’s friends who were sons of leading and secondary families. They heard likewise that their friend, Yasa, had gone forth into homelessness. After they had been advised and instructed by the Blessed One, they attained Arahantship. They, too, asked for the going forth and the higher ordination in His presence.
Thus, at that time there were sixty-one Arahants in the world, viz. the Buddha, the Pañcavaggiyā Bhikkhū, the Venerable Yasa and his fifty-four friends.
The First Buddhist Missionaries
By the time the three-month rains-residence (vassāna) ended, the Blessed One had enlightened sixty-three persons. Among them, sixty persons attained Arahantship and entered the Order, while the others—Yasa’s father, mother, and former wife—were established as Sotāpannas and were confirmed as lay disciples till their death. Then,
the Blessed One intended to propagate the Dhamma to all sentient beings in the universe regardless of whether they were devas or humans, regardless of whether they were of high caste, low caste or outcaste, regardless of whether they were kings or attendants, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, healthy or sick, lawful or unlawful.
Therefore, the Blessed One addressed the sixty Arahant bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, I am free from all bonds binding sentient beings, divine or human. You, too, are free from all bonds binding sentient beings, divine or human. Go forth, bhikkhus, for the welfare of many and happiness of many, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare and happiness of devas and man (Caratha, bhikkhave, cārikaṁ
bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānaṁ). Let not two go by one way! Preach, bhikkhus, the Dhamma that is excellent in the beginning, excellent in the middle and excellent in the end, both in meaning and in letter. Proclaim the holy life, utterly perfect and pure. There are beings with little dust in their eyes who will fall away by not hearing the Dhamma. There will be those who will understand the Dhamma. I, bhikkhus, shall go to Uruvelā
in Senānigama, to preach the Dhamma.”
Thus, the Blessed One despatched His sixty enlightened disciples to wander from place to place. It marked the first missionary work in the history of mankind. They propagated the sublime Dhamma out of compassion for others and without expecting anything in return. They uplifted people by teaching morality, guiding meditation and showing the advantages of holy life.
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奥田 昭則

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